9 HURDLES IN ACHIEVING SUCCESS.  How many hurdles in achieving success?

Although there are a lot of potential obstacles, the following hurdles are more common. 

1. Lack of information,  2. Lack of skill  3. Limiting beliefs,  4. Wellbeing,  5. Other people,  6. Own motivation,  7. Time,  8. Money and  9. Fear.

1. Lack Of Information: – Information can have one of two effects. – With too much, you can be overwhelmed and can stop you from making a decision or taking the next steps.

– With too little information you are not able to put things into perspective or look at the bigger picture. – Identifying where you have gaps in your knowledge,

and including this as part of your goal will move you closer to achieving it.

– There are several ways to obtain new information.

– Research, planned reading, listening to CDs, DVDs on a specific topic, or networking with individuals who have the knowledge to share with you.

2. Lack Of Skill: – To move forwards you may have to pick up skills along the way. – This need not be an enormous challenge.

– As part of your goal setting, understanding what skills you need to acquire, and how you will acquire them will form steps of your plan.

– This does not necessarily mean that you need to enroll in a course, although that is a great idea. – Other alternatives such as online study, planned reading,

– shadowing a colleague in the workplace, or seeking advice from a friend can also help you obtain the skills you need.

3. Limiting Beliefs: – We all have a set of beliefs by which we live our lives. – These are set in our subconscious at an early age.

– Sometimes these beliefs can hold you back and limit your ability to achieve your goals. – Some common examples may be familiar to you.

Indecision Or Procrastination- Should I Do One Thing Or Another? – This often results in you doing nothing. – The limiting belief manifests itself as “I am not able to make decisions”.

– Unable to make progress or stuck – when a way of working is no longer effective, you continue to use it and often form a comfort zone, the limiting belief here could be “ I can’t/ won’t change”.

– Often people will state that “I don’t deserve to be successful”, or “that shouldn’t work for me”. – Here we are seeing self sabotage and not valuing themselves and their ability.

4. Well Being: – Despite your best efforts, there may be times when you are simply not able to pursue your goals. – A sudden illness or injury can set you back.

– When this happens you need to be realistic.  – Beating yourself up will not help, nor simply give up. – Take a little time to reassess your goal and consider what your options are now.

How Important Is It That This Goal Is Achieved Within The Original Timeframe? – Also consider how else your goal can be pursued, and who can help you during these times.

5. Other People: – Quite often the people that are closest to us fear us achieving our goals. – For them, this means that you may change and that will also mean change for them.

– They may not be aware of how important your goals are to you. – If the people you share your time with for example family, friends, colleagues do not understand and support your goals,

– there is a chance that you may be influenced by this. – If these people are averse to change then they may well sabotage your plans.

6. Own Motivation: – Although you may see out with the best intentions, after a while the novelty may wear off or there are other distractions. – This may be down to several factors.

– Perhaps the goals that you set were too large and needed to be broken down into smaller manageable chunks.

Not getting the results, & need to consider what you are doing that is preventing you

– After continued effort, you may feel that the goal is now actually something that doesn’t want, or at least the outcome. – In this case, the goal needs to be reassessed.

– If it requires modification because circumstances have changed, then change it. – If it no longer serves you, then don’t waste your energy following up on something just because you started it.

7. Time: – We all live in a world where we don’t seem to have enough time. – Many of us are “time poor”, which means that we do not manage our use of time to get the best results.

– Quite often I hear from the people around me “I just don’t have time to do x”. – How true is this statement? – Have we taken on too much, overcommitted ourselves, and are embarrassed to say no?

– Perhaps, but I have another view. – If we approach our use of time without any structure we may just leap from one thing to another in no particular order.

Without Priority, We Will Move From One Thing To The Next Urgent Thing. – There is also the aspect of distractions. – This can be a distraction from others who do not have the same aspirations as you.

– There is the distraction of telephone calls and emails. – Quite often we busy ourselves with those things that are nice to do, but do not take us any further forward to achieving our goals.