FOR SUCCESS-YOU NEED A VISION THAT DARES TO BE DIFFERENT. “You cannot move from where you are until you see beyond where you are.” – Martin Luther King Jr FOR SUCCESS-YOU NEED A VISION-DARE TO BE DIFFERENT, And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it to his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. Genesis 37:5 You need a vision (or a dream) to get to the top. The above Scripture tells us that Joseph, that great man, began with a dream. In verse nine, Joseph dreamt again, And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more;  behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. Genesis 37:9

To get to the top, you must have a dream,

  • because whatever is not your vision can never be your portion in life.
  • You can never achieve in life what your heart cannot conceive.

  • A life left to chance is a life left in chains.
  • Whenever you see a person who has left his life to chance – whatever will be will be – without a definite vision, that person has left his life in chains.
  • You have to understand that whatever you do not see coming will never come.
  • Joseph saw himself ascending, and his brothers bowing down to him.
  • And it came to pass!
  • You cannot move from where you are until you see beyond where you are.

  • Martin Luther King Jr said, “A man is not fit to live if he has no purpose for living; or if he has nothing for which he can die.”
  • For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:… Proverbs 23:7
  • Four years ago, my wife and I were traveling out.
  • At the airport, we met a set of identical twins (boys) who were then airline attendants.
  • As they saw us off to the tarmac to board the flight, I asked them, “So what do you want to do with your lives?”
  • They echoed, “We want to be pilots”.

  • My wife said to me, “They look like wild dreamers.”
  • I told them to come and see me at the office when we return.
  • They did come to see me, and I got to know that each one of them needed about eleven million nairas to see their “wild dream” become a reality.
  • Their father was late, and they had no one to sponsor them.
  • I agreed with them in prayer, that their dream must come to pass.

  • And we kept on praying.
  • Eventually, after about a year, they got sponsorship, and all that remained was transport fare to get them to where the training was to take place.
  • My wife and I took care of that.
  • About six months ago, one of them sent me a message saying, “I have finished my training.
  • Now, I am a certified pilot, qualified to fly a one or two-engine airplane.

  • But I want to go for Boeing (727, 737) training, that will qualify me to fly bigger aircraft.”
  • Recently, they sent me a message that they were on their way back home having completed all the training.
  • These were boys that merely had secondary school qualifications before I knew them.
  • But if you looked into their eyes, you could see that they were going to become pilots and nothing was going to stop them – not even the fact that they had no father or material wealth.
  • Nothing was going to stop them.
  • “That is the power of vision,” my wife said when I told her about their accomplished dream.
  • What you do not see, you cannot seize.

  • What you do not a picture, you can never capture.
  • You cannot just leave your life to chance.
  • You need to have a dream.
  • And You need to have a vision.
  • That is your number one secret to the top. Now I ask you, what do you see?



  • “You will not be rewarded by how similar you are to people. You will be rewarded by how unique you are as a person.”
  • And Joseph brought unto his father their evil report. Genesis 37:2 Joseph was a different person from his brothers.
  • The Bible tells us that Joseph always brought the evil report of his brothers to his father.
  • There was something different about him.
  • You see, you do not make a difference if you are no different.
  • You do not stand out until you step out.

  • I heard from God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, “You do not make waves until you make moves.”
  • And these moves must be away from those who are normal.
  • My passion, in this book, is to let you know that you have not been called to conform to society.
  • You have been called to transform society.
  • You have not been called to conform to the generality.
  • And You have been called to transform the generality.
  • Get this: The desire to be like everybody is the reason for so many nobodies.

  • Everybody wants to dress or speak like somebody.
  • Everybody wants to do what somebody is doing.
  • No; be different!
  • To flow with the crowd is to be lost in the crowd.
  • And my counsel to you is, do not be afraid to step out, even if you have to stand alone.
  • Joseph stood alone, for almost seventeen years in the prison; but the end justifies the means.
  • You will not be rewarded by how similar you are to people.
  • You will be rewarded for how unique you are as a person.
  • Heaven and earth will reward you for how unique you are as a person.
  • When you struggle to be like someone else, the best you can be is a miserable number two, if you ever get to that position at all.
  • Be different!

  • Be a pace-setter, not a peace-keeper struggling to keep pace with what everybody else is doing.
  • And Be a frontline not on the bandwagon.
  • Be the person others want to be like, not the one struggling to be like others.
  • Jesus says you are, a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14).
  • That is who you are.
  • Because you believe God’s Word, I prophesy over your life today, that, You are going to stand out as one that your generation and nation will see as a different person.
  • You are going to change your world, in Jesus’ Name!
  • When everybody is sitting, stand.
  • When everybody is standing, stand out.
  • And When everybody is standing out, be outstanding!
  • Be different!



  • “When you take your eyes off your goals and begin to look at the progress or success of others, it gives birth to jealousy.”
  • And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
  • And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed?
  • Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? And his brethren envied him, but his father observed the saying.
  • Genesis 37:9-11
  • If your desire in life is to get to the top, you must, as a matter of necessity, avoid jealousy.
  • Learn to celebrate the greatness and good things.

  • What rendered the brethren of Joseph useless was the jealousy and envy they demonstrated towards Joseph.
  • That was what kept them in the background.
  • Jealousy is a product of life without vision.
  • When you take your eyes off your goals and begin to look at the progress or success of others, it gives birth to jealousy.
  • When you take your eyes off your focus, goal, or pursuit in life, and fix it on someone else’s success or results, you open yourself to jealousy.
  • And you know, once focus is lost, speed is lost.
  • Once the speed is lost, success is lost.
  • And ultimately, when success is lost, the impact is lost.
  • What you do not celebrate, you will never attract.
  • What you hate you cannot have.

  • Or, What you do not as you will inevitably lack.
  • Many are where they are in life today because they do not celebrate success, progress, or good things in the lives of other people.
  • You see, bad will is the origin of witchcraft.
  • A man with bad will is just bitter, hateful, and resentful over another person’s lifting, promotion, or advancement.
  • Have you ever been around someone who is always bitter, critical, and resentful?
  • He deems everyone successful as wrong.
  • When you see anyone who is always criticizing successful people but does not bother about failures, run away from such a person.
  • He has the spirit of witchcraft.
  • When you celebrate other people’s blessings and thank God on their behalf,

  • the anointing of the Holy Spirit begins to work on you, and your mind begins to open up.
  • God then begins to work in your life, because what you celebrate, you must attract.
  • Whenever you exist with focus, you must proceed with speed.
  • Wherever you focus, you must have speed.
  • Never criticize successful people who are doing well.
  • Do not criticize people who have testimonies, and do not allow anyone to criticize them where you are.
  • When you criticize other people’s success, what you are saying, in essence, is that you hate it.
  • You do not like it. You do not want it.

  • The more you continue in that criticism, the more calamity multiplies around you.
  • If you watch and X-ray the lives of people who talk and recklessly criticize others rashly – no matter who they are – you will notice that everything about their lives is shrunken, dried-up, and shriveled.
  • That is all because they have demonstrated that they do not like good things in their lives.
  • Please, learn to celebrate the great things that happen in other people’s lives.
  • You will see the same good things happen in your life too.


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Harshit Brave

Health Care Advisor, Guide, Teacher, and Trainer. Life Counselling Coach. About Us. Optimal Health is something you all can refer to as perfect health an individual can have. Being healthy only physically is not enough, to attain that perfect health you need to be healthy in all the aspects of life, hence; Optimal Health – Happiness, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Spirituality.