The Fifth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is The Plan of Action

The Fifth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is The Plan of Action. Once the attitude is in place, it is time to do something that is going to make sense for you when it comes to reaching your goals and making that vision of the result in reality. I can guarantee you that your vision of what you want to ultimately accomplish in this business and why you want to accomplish it is far different from mine.

This is because you are not the same person as me.

  • We have different passions and desires and what drives me, may not drive you.
  • If this is the case, should we then work the business the same way?
  • Look, there are certain fundamentals of network marketing that work.

This report is not about the fundamentals, it is about the building blocks.

  • I am not trying to reinvent the wheel here.
  • It does a great job and no matter how hard I try, I just cannot come up with anything better.

The basics of network marketing are simple.

  • You network with other people who are like-minded to accomplish one goal and that is to share an amazing product with the world at large.
  • There are many ways to go about this, but as far as the fundamentals of network marketing, this is it simplified as much as possible.
  • There is an old saying that I know you have heard.
  • It is the acronym kiss. Keep it simple stupid!

Don’t try to overcomplicate your objectives.

  • The objectives are simple and remain the same regardless of what opportunity you are involved in.
  • You are however like I said an individual with a vision that is unique to you.
  • You have abilities that I do not have and vice versa, so why should sorts of ways to get prospects.
  • You know, write a list.
  • Do I need to say anymore?

This is the basic concept, but I have never made a list.

  • I choose to market on the Internet to people who are interested in an opportunity or the products that I have to offer.
  • I don’t cold call leads or talk to my warm market.
  • I have interested people call me and it works like a charm.
  • Not everyone can do it the way that I do it, however.
  • I have a lady in my downline right now who has placed an ad in the local newspaper for a free tasting.
  • She came up with the concept, wrote the ad, and now her team is growing like crazy because she used her talents to attract people into the opportunity.

There are a million different ways that you can get this business out in front of other people and I bet you have thought of a few yourself.

  • I will also bet that if you have not as of yet had success in network marketing that you never put any of those ideas into practice.
  • This is exactly why attitude is so important.
  • If you do not have the right attitude, you will never follow through with your plan of action.
  • I see people all the time procrastinate the implementation of what would be the perfect plan for them.
  • They try to get everything perfect before they put their plan in place.

Don’t try to overcomplicate your objectives.

  • The objectives are simple our marketing method be the same?
  • You see people coming up with all implementation of what would be the perfect plan for them.
  • They try to get everything perfect before they put their plan in place.
  • I have a close friend that I met in the opportunity I am in who has decided he is going to be placing ads in popular publications having weight loss and energy formula for those who need it most.

We were talking the other day and he said that he had been brainstorming this idea for a while and just finally decided to put it in place.

  • He put procrastination on the back burner and I will bet that his idea pays off for him exponentially because he knows what people in his industry need.
  • He is a truck driver and saw the need for the product because he believed in it and now he is going to have great results promoting the opportunity because others are going to see the same potential that he did.

This is not about convincing people, this is about finding the right people.

  • If you keep doing instead of sitting, you are putting yourself and your message, product, or service out there where it can be found.
  • ” The most essential factor is persistence – the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come.” James Whitcomb Riley 
  1. The 7 Keys to the Kingdom of Network Marketing-1. The Right Mindset
  2. The Second Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is the Willingness to Work the Business
  3. The Third Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is to Establish your vision of what your Hard Work can Accomplish for you
  4. The Fourth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing Within yourself, The Attitude of Success
The Fifth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is The Plan of Action
The Fifth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is The Plan of Action

The Fifth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is The Plan of Action

Harshit Brave

Health Care Advisor, Guide, Teacher, and Trainer. Life Counselling Coach. About Us. Optimal Health is something you all can refer to as perfect health an individual can have. Being healthy only physically is not enough, to attain that perfect health you need to be healthy in all the aspects of life, hence; Optimal Health – Happiness, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Spirituality.