The Laws of Prosperity August 29, 2021March 18, 2021 by Harshit Brave Table of Contents Toggle The Laws of ProsperityWalk in TruthIf prosperity is evil, why would He want us to prosper?Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil (see 1 Timothy 6:10),Thus, there is spiritual prosperity; there is mental prosperity, and there is physical prosperity. The prosperity of the mind comes when you use the knowledge that has been accumulated What a privilege! The choice is yours! Let’s discuss our emotions as part of the soul.For instance, an old saint of God, living in poverty, can pray revival down on a church, get everybody in town saved, and be lying in bed sick the whole time if she does not believe the Word of God for her health!The world’s definition of physical prosperity (prosperity of the senses) includes gold, silver, financial favor or power, political favor or power and social favor or power.This is the world’s total concept of prosperity.What produces spiritual, mental and physical prosperity? What brings all these areas together?It would be easy just to settle for spiritual prosperity, The Laws of Prosperity