150 GREAT QUOTES ABOUT HOPE. What is a famous quote about hope?

  • “Have you lost your hope? Have you remained inside the fog? Don’t worry, even if you can’t find it, new hope will come and find you!” – Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • “With every choice, you create the life you’ll live; with every decision you design it.” – Mollie Marti 
  • “We are ready to despair too soon, we are ready to say, ‘What’s the good of doing anything?’ Hope is the virtue we should cultivate most in this present day and age.” — Agatha Christie 
  • “It’s hard to stay committed when our heart isn’t in it.” – Deborah Day 
  • “Hope comes not from the people around you, but yourself.” – Alegna G. Granados 
  • “That’s the thing about love It can take you up to the mountaintop and can drop you And the impact will either kill you or make you a new person” — Kehinde Sonola 

What is the most inspiring quote ever?

  • “Hope is like a word made with cloud, without Faith, it quickly blows away.” – Anthony Liccione 
  • “We must seek together to address the good aspirations of people everywhere, for we are bound together through great commonality.” — Bryant McGill 
  • “Why don’t people ask us about our hope? The answer is probably that we look as if we hope for the same things they do. Our lives don’t look like they are on the Calvary road, stripped down for sacrificial love, serving others with the sweet assurance that we don’t need to be rewarded in this life.” – John Piper 
  • “you won’t ever get ahead if you keep feeling sorry for yourself. You must stop all the negative talk and start thinking positively. You have a lot of potential but your life won’t change until you change how you think”.” – Michele Woolley 
  • “Everyone has to have hope in their life, or they will eventually become your enemy.” – Jim Morris 
  • “What will you do now with the gift of your left life?” – Carol Ann Duffy 
  • “Continuously failing does not make you a failure. It only means that your strength is in exploring your weaknesses.” – VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis 
  • “Life is not a hope, but it is all of this !!” – Hesham Nebr 
  • “Never take today for granted, tomorrow might never come.” — Matt Vella 

What are the 10 Best Quotes?

  • “The power of hope! Even a lack of ambition can, for a time, pay off as a necessary facet, as long as hope outweighs it.” – Criss Jami 
  • “Their words of encouragement were just what I needed. I was doing a great job, and I appreciated their cheers. I felt a dormlike camaraderie in the burn unit, since each of us knew the challenges we were facing as no one else could, and therefore how meaningful each triumph was.” – Stephanie Nielson 
  • “Some people use language to describe their lives, and others use language to create the lives they lead.” What are 10 motivational quotes? Steve Chandler 
  • “Hope sees what we can’t. And because we can’t, hope asks us to believe that it can.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 

Quotes about hope and strength

  • “Books open the doors that others have closed on you.” – Shannon Alder 
  • “Optimism is the act of dreaming and believing at the same time. There is hope in optimism, otherwise, pessimism would minimize the chances of the triumphal entry of hope.” – Alan Maicon 
  • “Hope is the last thing that dies. Maybe because hope is one of those dratted things that are truly, honestly, genuinely immortal.” – Vera Nazarian 
  • “Let us get back to the Winning Ways, Let’s Forget about Despair, let’s hope for better things for Tomorrow, time to let go of what’s Saddens our hearts” – Sami Abouzid 
  • “There is always light in the midst of the Darkness, even if it’s only a pinpoint in the distance. And when it seems as if there 

Quotes about hope in hard times

  • isn’t, it’s just an illusion. Just a lie that the Darkness wants you to believe. Breakthrough the illusion. Remember that you’re growing through it and towards the light. You are always growing towards the light.” – Millie Florence 
  • “Sometimes, before even attempting to achieve something we feel afraid because we don’t know what will be the result of our efforts. We don’t know whether we will go all the way or whether dissatisfaction with the results would make us abandon our goals midway.” – Dr. Prem Jagyasi 
  • “Be grateful for each day, even the dark ones.” – Pepper Winters 
  • “Let adversity reinforce your principles and values, not destroy them, hold on to them, like a strong tree holding on to the ground and his roots against the winds and tempest. The storm will pass.” – Lizzie Blazquez 
  • “Acknowledgment–being seen and heard and witnessed inside the truth about one’s own life–is the only real medicine of grief.” – Megan Devine 

What are 5 Inspirational quotes?

  • “One needs to keep reminding themselves of higher goals at all times while observing the outcomes of smaller actions.” – Dr. Prem Jagyasi 
  • “Almost everybody needs ideas to live by including hope and faith to tolerate the hardships of existence.” – Kilroy J. Oldster 
  • “There are spiritual solutions to all life challenges: breath deeply, relax, affirm the positive; place your hand on your heart; quiet your mind; lot go; smile; listen to your Inner Voice. Feel Peace Joy Grace Gratis the Healing… Abundant Life, Love!” – Gary Eby 
  • “Courage is not the absence of fear, it’s to feel the fear and do it anyway.” – Jeanette Coron 
  • “Choose the positive because it’s all good: be honest; be open; stop and think; see the red flags; let go of ego; now make a healthy choice.” – Gary Eby 

What are the top 10 quotes?

  • “Once you understand the value of time constraints, your life will suddenly be free. With freedom, you’ll be better enabled to provide joy to those you serve with intentional attention.” – Richie Norton 
  • “Every day is a new opportunity to raise the bar. Make today count.” – Wesam Fawzi 
  • “The bravest of whom I’ve known are those who have been through suffering, disappointments, and pain. But still, they choose to love fearlessly, give nonstop and live with hope that fills their lungs …” – Samiha Totanji 
  • Day 244 “Isn’t that how the world is going to change? By each of us putting ourselves out there, facing despair, and taking care of one another?” – Corey Wheeland 
  • “The point I’m making is that you can choose to look at the tough moments as failures or you can choose to look at them as a bad few minutes in a good day. It’s okay to feel sorry for yourself for a few seconds, but then you need to pick yourself up and brush yourself off. If you do that, you never fail.” – Katie McGarry 
  • “Hope alone will never change the state of your life. Hope simply comes to inspire you. Hope prophesies on your future. Hope enables you to stand up and do to stand up and rebuild to stand up and live.” – Naide P Obiang 
  • “Time is the most powerful healer, that heals almost every wound. Just trust the process, take your time and let the healing begin.” – Asma Naqi 

Quotes For Hope

  • “Don’t hope for better times, work towards them” – Mike Yanek 
  • “We live in the real world and make our choices based on what‘s in front of us, but we can always pray for a miracle.” – Peter V. Brett 
  • “Let us think often of this: Whatever comes our way, Christ will hold us fast. Uncertain as this life is, we know this for certain: He will bring us home.” – Owen Strachan 
  • “The mind says everyone is temporary but the heart fills you with the hope that someone will prove your mind wrong.” – Nitya Prakash 
  • “Fear is like a megaphone in your head that pulses aggression and sadness. Hope is the audio gain adjuster. Happiness is the musical algorithm.” – Deborah Brandt 
  • “We, alone, are responsible to choose whether we default to reflect the world, or be a reflection upon the world.” – Garry Fitchett 

Hope short Quotes

  • You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world as it should be.” – Michelle Obama 
  • “A fact of life is there is tragedy and hope. There is sadness and joy. To ignore one over the other will destroy a person.” – Todd Stocker 
  • “It’s ok to not look back. It’s ok to look forward to the future with a broken heart and a limp. Is there any other way to travel toward God this side of heaven?” – Rachel Joy Welcher 
  • “If the hope of giving is to love the living, the giver risks madness in the act of giving.” — James Baldwin 
  • “Any dream that is all contemplation and no initiation is only a wish.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 
  • “It won’t be the same… I won’t be the same…” – Irfan Rahat 

Hope Quotes

  • “A book can change the world, but a word of hope, a smile, and experienced advice can change a life.” – Jennifer Megan Varnadore 
  • “You want to know something I’ve learned in my life? A lot of the people who influence you don’t have anything to their name but time and experience. It isn’t the money. It isn’t the fame. It’s not the temporary pleasures of life that keep you sane while you’re in the dark. It’s Hope.” — Jennifer Megan Varnadore 
  • “Do you know how magic works? The kind of magic that gets reindeer to fly in the sky? The kind that helps Father Christmas travel around the world in a single night? The kind that can stop time and make dreams come true? Hope. That’s how. Without hope, there would be no magic.” – Matt Haig 
  • “I don’t define darkness as the absence of light. Rather, I define it as the absence of God. And in that sense, it’s never dark.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 
  • “When life gives you another chance, you don’t ask life questions like – why things turned out that way the last time? Or why have you been so unfair? Instead, you gladly accept the opportunity and say ‘why not? – Dhaval Rathod 
  • “Never be so dependent on technology that a notification is the only thing that brings you hope.” – Nitya Prakash 
  • “Lifeless life is the very thing Jesus came to rescue us from.” – Erin M. Straza 
  • “Hope is the best name in the world because it is the best quality of the human mind.” 
  • “Is it?” “For me, it is. It’s all I have.” — Mark Beauregard 
  • I think I can show them the path out. I understand now that it’s not a question of faith or hope; it exists, and we can find it. It’s going to take some time, though.” — Rachel Hartman 
  • “Explore the eternity of your existence.” – Lailah Gifty Akita 
  • “I’ve learned that the long-game is the shortcut.” – Richie Norton 
  • “We were planting seeds of change, the fruit of which we might never see. We had to be patient.” – Michelle Obama 
  • “Don’t just hope: Be, do, and live in the moment.” – Akiroq Brost 
  • “We have all we need to come through. Against all odds, no matter what we’ve lost, no matter what messes we’ve made over time, no matter how dark the night, we offer and are offered kindness, soul, light, and food, which create breath and spaciousness, which create hope, sufficient unto the day.” – Anne Lamott 
  • “Nothing is possible without belief. You can’t step into the potential of possibility without any faith. Believe that it is possible.” – Akiroq Brost 
  • “In life, there are bound to be difficult times. Don’t lose hope. Keep trying.” – Akiroq Brost 
  • “It is the man without vision who sees only an ending. Yet, it is the man of faith who sees an ending as the very place from which a thousand beginnings will be birthed.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 
  • “Don’t give up on your faith just to please someone who has no faith at all; That is like giving up a treasure to please someone who has none.” – Gillian Duce 
  • “A journey of life ends when the hope collapses.” – Ehsan Sehgal 
  • “My poetry is a journey in the depth of my heart, in the abyss of my conscious, underneath this realm and transcending 
  • horizons. Is who I was, who I am, and who I had become.” – Claudia Pavel 
  • “Cancer is never a lethal disease If your strength of mind wants it to freeze Death will arrive, but it loves to wait When living in hope is never too late” – Munia Khan 
  • “Hope is not something that you conjure up in your mind. Hope is an inspiration you get from the people you are around. Hope has to be shown and seen. Hope is something that is developed, that’s learned. You must see the opportunity for hope.” – Ravenell Williams, IV 
  • “You will find that joy, love, and hope are the strongest, most elevating emotions in our Universe. Discover for yourself how they can anchor the spirit, open your heart and bring to you endless possibilities.” – Andrew Pacholyk 
  • “The first step in achieving anything is the belief that you can.” – Akiroq Brost 
  • “No sunset winks, but surely be followed by the sunrise! – Try to remember this in your moments of despair.” — Lamine Pearlheart 
  • “Pessimism is not part of my nature. Rather, it’s part of what happens to me when I reject God’s nature.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 
  • “Hope is something that is built from small parts. Perceived actions. Observed effects. Imperfect understanding. Uncertain knowledge. Acknowledged fears. The things each of us projects and says and does in the physical world. Hope then is made up of tiny bits and pieces of us. All of us, together.” – David Amerland 
  • “We truly believed in something back then, and we knew we were the kind of people capable of believing in something with all our hearts. And that kind of hope will never simply vanish.” – Haruki Murakami 
  • “Every sunrise enlightens our heart with rays of hope. Every sunset soothes our mind with tranquility and peace.” 
  • “Be idealistic about the future, be realistic about the present, and never forget the lessons of the past.” – Dean F. Wilson 
  • “Every morning we have a choice to open our eyes and see the beauty of love and hope or close our eyes and complain about the darkness. The beauty of a sunset lets you see life better, lets you wander and get lost in yourself, and lets you dream and live stronger.” – Debasish Mridha MD 
  • “I welcome injustice because injustice gives me something to strive for. We need the darkness, for it allows the light to shine. God’s greatest gift to mankind is Satan because evil gives us something to strive against.” — Jan Golembiewski 
  • “Though darkness now surrounds me, And I cannot see the light, I will trust the purpose I cannot see, I’ll not surrender to the night.” – Savannah Jane McCrary, 
  • “Why worry? Why bother yourself about life challenges? Some of the problems you’re facing can be solved in a twinkle of an eye if you follow the right path and you hold on strongly to your beliefs.” – Abayomi Kayode Patrick 
  • “I believe in miracles because I am surrounded by miracles every day. My very existence is a miracle.” – Akiroq Brost 
  • “Don’t lose faith in humanity. There are good people out there. You have the power to make a difference.” – Akiroq Brost 
  • “Hoping is not dreaming. It is not spinning an illusion or fantasy to protect us from our boredom or our pain…it is imagination put in the harness of faith.” – -Eugene Peterson 
  • “I wanted to hold everything in place with my thin little arm and my weak spirit. I wanted to do what I could with my unreliable body to try and deal with all the many scary things that were going to start happening to us from now on. I wanted to try.” — Banana Yoshimoto 
  • “One of the most dangerous things in life is a sickened person that has lost all hope for the future.” – Steven Magee 
  • “A positive attitude is more important than skills.” – Oscar Auliq-Ice 
  • “We all have a dream for what this life could be like. Christmas is God handing us everything that we need to make that dream a reality. The issue is, are we willing to take up that everything’ or let our dreams fall to ‘nothing.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 
  • “I want to be able to memorize poetry, to know the languages of the world, to remember the names of mountains and rivers. I want to be able to turn this mind of mine into a sanctuary. To stay silent as though it were a library or a museum. Beautiful and mystical.” – unknown 
  • “Hope follows on the heels of Faith. And the white-winged goddess—which is Hope—did not leave her, but prompted her to many little surreptitious acts of preparation in the event of the miracle coming to pass.” – Kate Chopin 
  • “Don’t be afraid of exploring your capabilities, of seeking adventures, of searching for answers, of pushing the envelope, of finding gaps between the fences. Don’t be, afraid… Period. Life is too short to be a wimp.” – Kakali Bandyopadhyay 
  • “To keep life moving forward, hope for the best, take action, and be persistent” – Debasish Mridha MD 
  • “In our darkest hours in when we must look up to our Highest Almighty God. He is calling for you to be your best self now. Nothing is holding you back. Go for it!” — Theresa Sky 
  • “Happiness depends not on things around me, but my attitude.” – Alfred Montapert 
  • “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” — Desmond Tutu 
  • “So find your combination of things to learn and see and be passionate about. Learn from everyone but be your guide, and you will find a red-hot feeling in your chest each night, eager for the possibilities of a new day. No one knows your heart as well as you do.” – Charlotte Eriksson 
  • “Hope isn’t poison, Lissa. Hope is the thing that keeps you going when everything is awful and dark and you don’t know which way to turn.” – Charlotte Stein 
  • “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” – Abraham Lincoln 
  • “Never give up hope! As long as there is breath in your body, there’s always an opportunity for change!” — Tiffany Watkins 
  • “Hope and breath, stay and breathe together, with entire life.” – Ehsan Sehgal 
  • “No better words than “thank you” have yet been discovered to express the sincere gratitude of one’s heart, when the two words are sincerely spoken.” – Alfred Montapert 
  • “We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us” — William J. Brennan Jr. 
  • *There is always a way. Always.” – Cheri M. Partain 
  • “I can breathe where there is green. Green grows hope. It keeps my heart beating and helps me remember who I am.” Courtney M. Privett, 
  • “Our words may not cause plants to sprout, but they can make hope spring forth in a human heart.” — Jonathan Merritt 
  • “The thought of only being a creature of the present and the past was troubling. I longed for a future too, with hope in it. The desire to be free, awakened my determination to act, to think, and to speak.” – Frederick Douglass 
  • “If you want to be a rainbow, all you have to do is just believe.” – Anthony T. Hincks 
  • “Aspiration is the engine of human life. Aspiration in the biological sense of breathing and cellular activity connotes fundamental life, but also, and as importantly, aspiration in the sense of hope. Hope for peace. Hope for compassion. Hope for the Earth. A solid belief in the basic goodness of humanity.” – Arno Michaelis 
  • “Everything changed when I learned to honor my body instead of fighting it, when I learned to take care of it, like a precious castle to protect this weary heart. To stop harming it, punishing it for looking like this or that, feeling like this or that. I don’t look like they all told me I had to, but I’m healthy and strong and vital. That is enough.” – Charlotte Eriksson 
  • “Despair NOT! Refuse to be gloomy or negative. Don’t allow challenges and situations to rob your joy. Do not allow anything or anyone to take YOUR PEACE AWAY!” – Patricia Dsouza 
  • “Happiness is something that happy people are always looking to increase or amplify, while those lacking it are always trying to find.” – Oscar Auliq-Ice 
  • “Do not let the things that try to steal your peace rob you of your joy. Do not permit them to scare you into no performance.” — Precious Avwunuma Emodamori 
  • “Do not find or create a story that limits you.” – Freequill 
  • “My highest aspiration is to Love without limits and ego.” — Laura Jeanne 
  • “A fighter never gives up. His scars are his ornaments. He may never be whole, yet he’s bigger than all his battles and beautiful, even in his brokenness.” Mona Soorma 
  • “Life’s hardest teachings yield the most beautiful lessons.” – Lynda Cheldelin Fell 
  • “I realized that as imperfect as I may be, I am the perfect Nick Vujicic.” – Nick Vujicic 
  • “Hope is important. It allows you to survive. But there’s a point where tough love is required if you want to change. Action is necessary. It allows you to live.” – Brittany Burgunder 
  • “Look ahead to the bright light Use your hopes to unfold each night Rejoice in the struggle, stay sane There’s always sunshine after rain” – Soulla Christodoulou 
  • “I am not who I was. I am not even who I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will be new again, and again, until I am completely the woman I was meant to be.” – Harmony Dust 
  • “This isn’t the end, you know,” he said. “Nothing ever is, nothing ever will be – not even Judgment Day.” – Kurt Vonnegut 
  • “Experience is the benefit of the past. Opportunity is the benefit of the present. 
  • Hope is the benefit of the future. Live your best life right now, at this exact moment. You can’t fix the future harboring on yesterday’s mistakes.” – Farshad Asl 
  • “When you have HOPE, then you become a blessing to someone else” – Maria Keszler 
  • “Life is a jungle, and we may not always have a map for it. Sometimes, it is for the best to get lost and make a house of hope in the middle of nowhere and let the sky and the stars lead you wherever your soul desires. Hope itself is light enough to illuminate the dark paths.” – Mona Soorma 
  • “My pessimism and cynicism know no bounds, nothing truly surprises me these days. But when that little spark of optimism, of hope is alight, it burns brightly in the darkness.” – George Banister 
  • “If you’re wondering, pondering, in vain, or astray, surrender to your soul. It only has its arms open for you.” — Nidhi M.Jhaveri 
  • “Positively think about your future and you will move towards your goals.” – Aurora Bill 
  • “If you’re wondering, pondering, in vain, or astray, surrender to your soul. It only has its arms open for you.” – Nidhi M.Jhaveri 
  • “As long as you can look fearlessly at the sky, you’ll know that you’re pure within and will find happiness once more.” Anne Frank 
  • “dream big, live largely, and live humbly” – L.L. Abbott 
  • “Your mind drinks up whatever YOU pour into it. Pour hope. Pour truth. Pour love. Pour happiness.” – Clyde Lee Dennis 
  • “Life isn’t about winning or losing; it’s about getting up and trying again.” — Daniel L. Lewis 
  • “Allow your choices to reflect your hopes, not your fears. Your future depends on it.” – Carol ‘CC’ Miller 
  • “Uncertainties are a certainty in life. They boost up the air of negativity that suffocates. In such times… Faith is the insulation And Hope is the oxygen. 
  • “Sometimes looking at life thinking… the easy way is always the wrong way and the hard way is always the right way. But yet still that doesn’t include the being patient and understanding way.” – Jonathan Burkett 
  • “Believe me, there is no one more dangerous than one whose hopes have turned to despair.” – Cinda Williams Chima 
  • “People will say anything to get you to hurt the honest one. Listen to your heart, you will hear something real.” Robert Vanleeuwen 
  • “I can live a life anticipating beginnings or survive a life dreading endings. So maybe I should begin ending the dreading.” – Craig D Lounsbrough 
  • “Creativity takes Imagination, Imagination takes Courage, Courage takes Curiosity, and Curiosity leads to Success.” – Daniel L. Lewis 
  • “Human beings are walking containers holding ideas, beliefs, feelings, and triggers. Love and fears are the only things that can overpower these systems. Everyone lives in this container as they interact with the world, and sometimes, a combination of these things can create their imaginary prison.” – Ilwaad Isa 
  • “We must grow out of this ground surrounding our minds and branch ourselves out into the reality that bears the fruits of heaven” – Ilwaad Isa 
  • “What I want everyone to know is that the sun is going to rise tomorrow whether you want it to or not. Life is tragic, but it’s also beautiful.” – Project Semicolon 
  • “As for any of us in crisis, hope is the one thing that’s everything.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough 
  • “What’s so good about giving up? Is it better to escape from reality to the point where you’re throwing away your hope?” – Hajime Isayama 
  • “To me, there’s nothing quite like a beautiful night sky to put everything into perspective and focus. It clears the mind. It’s comforting to know that the darker it gets, the more stars begin to shine. Max Art 
  • “Whether sunrise or sunset, it heralds a new opportunity to dream.” – Virginia Alison 
  • “Sometimes challenging situations lead to beautiful life-changing opportunities… So listen to them because they’re quietly spoken!” – Wesam Fawzi 
  • “Masters today were starters yesterday, so begin now.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive 
  • “Where there is life, there is hope; where there is justice, there is the promise of freedom.” — Rian Nejar 
  • “Right now I may not have it all, but I know my future is bright because as long as I live there is hope for my situation.” – Gift Gugu Mona 
  • “Without being hope to yourself, you cannot be hope to others!” – Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • “All the questions we seek, we possess the answers to. Fear is our normal and typical blocker of all things wonderful within us.” — La’Preea Smith 
  • “Anything can happen. Don’t give up before it does.” – Lynda Cheldelin Fell 
  • “Consistent hard work will always bring consistent miracles.” – Hyrum Yeakley 


425 Plus Best Quotes For Success