91 FAQs: Understanding Diabetic Mallets and Hypoglycemia

91 FAQs: Understanding Diabetic Mallets and Hypoglycemia

91 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Understanding Diabetic Mallets and Hypoglycemia 1. What is diabetes mellitus? Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood due to the body’s inability to produce or use insulin effectively. 2. What causes diabetes mellitus? The primary causes include genetic factors, lifestyle choices, … Read more

Hypoglycemia: Awareness and Education, 35 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Hypoglycemia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Monitoring, Treatment Options, Prevention Strategies and Risk Factors of Hypoglycemia in Diabetes

Hypoglycemia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Monitoring, Treatment Options, Prevention Strategies and Risk Factors of Hypoglycemia in Diabetes Introduction Hypoglycemia, often referred to as low blood sugar, is a medical condition characterized by abnormally low levels of glucose in the bloodstream. The body relies on glucose as its primary energy source, and maintaining an optimal blood … Read more

उन्नत स्वास्थ्य के लिए कोशिकाओं को ऊर्जावान कैसे बनाएं? (HOW TO KEEP YOUR CELLS HAPPY AND HEALTHY?) 4 प्रमुख उपाय

उन्नत स्वास्थ्य के लिए कोशिकाओं को ऊर्जावान कैसे बनाएं? (HOW TO KEEP YOUR CELLS HAPPY AND HEALTHY?) 4 प्रमुख उपाय कोशिकाएं हमारे शरीर की बुनियादी इकाई हैं और इनकी स्वस्थता और कार्यक्षमता हमारे सामान्य कल्याण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण होती है। रेडॉक्स (Redox) एक प्रमुख प्रक्रिया है जो कोशिकाओं की ऊर्जा उत्पादन में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका … Read more

What are the benefits of eating a healthy diet? What are some common misconceptions about healthy eating? 3 Tips

What are the benefits of eating a healthy diet? What are some common misconceptions about healthy eating? 3 Tips

What are the benefits of eating a healthy diet? What are some common misconceptions about healthy eating? 3 Tips

Self-Esteem and Anger

Self-Esteem and Anger Discover How Self-Esteem Helps You Deal with Your Anger You’ve found yourself feeling a lot of anger lately – you’ve lashed out on people without meaning to, hurting them and damaging your relationships with them in the process. Your anger has affected your work and your social life. You are beginning to … Read more

100 Weight Loss Tips- Part 1


100 Weight Loss Tips- Part 1 100 Weight Loss Tips- Part 1. Diet. Avoid “fad” diets.  If you don’t believe me, ask your doctor about these: negative calorie diets, extremely low-calorie diets, low carb diets, and any other type of “fad” diet that is unbalanced. Changing diet should be a matter of a healthier lifestyle.  … Read more

क्रिल ऑयल के 7 स्‍वास्‍थ्‍यवर्धक फायदे (Krill Oil)

क्रिल ऑयल के 7 स्‍वास्‍थ्‍यवर्धक फायदों के बारे में जानें (Some Information in Krill Oil)

क्रिल ऑयल के 7 स्‍वास्‍थ्‍यवर्धक फायदों के बारे में जानें (Some Information in Krill Oil) क्रिल ऑयल। यकीन मानिए क्रिल ऑयल के किलर फायदे हैं। क्योंकि यह न सिर्फ फिश ऑयल से बेहतर है बल्कि इसके अपने गुण इतने ज्यादा है कि इसे गिनते हुए अंगुलियां थक सकती हैं लेकिन फायदे कम नहीं हो सकते।

Are you suffering from diabetes?

Are you suffering from diabetes? People who are prone to diabetes—especially those who have the disease in their family's history—should consider that there is a great possibility that they or their kids might inherit the illness. So, the best way to go about it is to become very informed about the condition. The following are some of the things that people who are prone to diabetes must consider:

Are you suffering from diabetes? People who are prone to diabetes—especially those who have the disease in their family’s history—should consider that there is a great possibility that they or their kids might inherit the illness. So, the best way to go about it is to become very informed about the condition. The following are some of the things that people who are prone to diabetes must consider:

Achieving Healthy Pregnancy Despite Diabetes | 5 Things You Can Do

Achieving Healthy Pregnancy Despite Diabetes | 5 Things You Can Do

Achieving Healthy Pregnancy Despite Diabetes | 5 Things You Can Do: Among diabetic pregnant women, the most common problem when it comes to their baby’s health is the condition called “macrosomia” or having a baby with a large body. This is because the blood of the mother with diabetes is interchanged with that of the baby inside the womb. As a result, the baby will produce insulin to be able to glucose and this will lead to fat deposits, which causes the baby to grow larger compared to the regular ones.

स्वस्थ वजन घटाने का रहस्य क्या है? (What is the Secret of Healthy Weight Loss?) भाग 3

स्वस्थ वजन घटाने का रहस्य क्या है? (What is the Secret of Healthy Weight Loss?)

स्वस्थ वजन घटाने का रहस्य क्या है? (What is the Secret of Healthy Weight Loss?) भाग 3 What is the Secret of Healthy Weight Loss? स्वस्थ वजन घटाने का रहस्य क्या है? भाग 3। तो, अब आप सोच रहे होंगे, “विश्व स्वस्थ आहार के बारे में क्या है जिसने अपनी सफलता की कहानियों को साझा … Read more

पुस्तक समीक्षा: स्वस्थ वजन घटाने और पकाने का स्वस्थ तरीका (Healthy Weight Loss and the Healthiest Way of Cooking) भाग 2

पुस्तक समीक्षा: डाइटिंग या आहार कंट्रोल किए बिना कैसे वजन घटाएं? (BEST BOOK FOR DIET-HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIETING: HEALTHIEST WAY OF EATING APPROACH)

पुस्तक समीक्षा: डाइटिंग या आहार कंट्रोल किए बिना कैसे वजन घटाएं? (BEST BOOK FOR DIET-HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIETING: HEALTHIEST WAY OF EATING APPROACH)

पुस्तक समीक्षा: डाइटिंग या आहार कंट्रोल किए बिना कैसे वजन घटाएं? (BEST BOOK FOR DIET-HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIETING: HEALTHIEST WAY OF EATING APPROACH) भाग 1

पुस्तक समीक्षा: डाइटिंग या आहार कंट्रोल किए बिना कैसे वजन घटाएं? (BEST BOOK FOR DIET-HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIETING: HEALTHIEST WAY OF EATING APPROACH)

पुस्तक समीक्षा: डाइटिंग या आहार कंट्रोल किए बिना कैसे वजन घटाएं? (BEST BOOK FOR DIET-HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIETING: HEALTHIEST WAY OF EATING APPROACH)