Relaxation to Counteract Anger, One Thing at a Time
Relaxation to Counteract Anger
Relax your way thru anger: What are the things you could do to help do away with generally negative angry feelings? First things first, anger is a completely natural emotion. What is unnatural though are the ways and means they can be manifested.
Usually, anger is expressed by venting out, throwing a tantrum or is laid out in cold and stony silence.
Too much anger is also dangerous as it gives the body unnecessary stress and keeps the nerves, the heart and the brain pumping too much blood.
So how should one take a break from stress-related anger? Anger is caused by a host of situations, but primarily how one chooses to respond to anger is the best way to counteract its negative effects.

What you eat, is what you are
Anger is not further helped by eating foods that contain a lot of fat. A diet that is well-balanced and contains more fruits and vegetables than pork or beef actually helps in flushing out all those unnecessary toxins in the body.
These toxins could just as well contribute to emotions being unbalanced and sometimes overly anxious. The body processes anything and everything that it takes in.
It has also been said that the way an animal has been slaughtered has an effect on those who consume the said animal. Eating a diet that is rich in green and leafy vegetables helps cleanse the body from any impurities. It also helps clear the pathway towards a healthier outlook towards life and eventually any situations that come your way.
The way to relax, lessen caffeine
Believe it or not, it is not only coffee that contains nerve-wracking caffeine. Sodas, soft drinks and even chocolate contain caffeine. All these drinks have what it takes to make you jittery and would not be of much help if you need or want to relax.
This is one of the most effective ways to de-stress and relax. This method is good for all females as well as males who have had a rough day at work and would want to un-wind from a busy, hectic, not to mention, an angry day from co-workers, bosses and the like.
Just lie down on the warm water, put on music even a few scented candles and slip away to a relaxing moment with yourself away from the hustle and bustle of a busy and dreary world.
Again, get yourself a good massage as we discussed previously. Of course you cannot really give your self a good massage, but you could get yourself one. Try to get the services of your significant other who could be more than willing to give you a good massage for free. If not, then there are massage parlors out there that can provide a great ten minute or fifteen minute massage on various stress areas of your body such as the shoulders, neck, scalp even on the face.

Visualize your self away from anger
This is supposed to be easy. If you are just open to the possibilities of visualizing anger away, that is. All you have to do is close both of your eyes. Then, try to create that little place in your own mind wherein you could go there to relax and slow your activities a bit down. It all depends on how you define relaxation. It could be a place that is real or not. The important thing is that it is truly and specially yours.
All in all, anger is only bad when you let it affect you. The best way to counteract it is by learning to keep your cool, relax. After all, it is you who decide how and if you are going to let a situation get to you. The important thing is you know how to respond positively to any given situation.
One Thing at a Time
One small step for man, a giant leap for anger management
Great things cannot be hurried. They need to go through a process. Think of the beautiful structures that the Roman empire used to have or those amazing natural wonders that is Niagara, Colorado, or the Grand Canyon.
The same process also follows human emotions, specifically anger. Dealing with them until they are ripe enough to let go, forgive and forget is not easy but is entirely possible.
What are the things you could do to help do away with generally negative angry feelings?
Think anger away
This is supposed to be easy but it is not. You have to be open to the possibilities of visualizing anger away. All you have to do is close both of your eyes. Then, try to create that little place in your own mind wherein you could go there to relax and slow your activities a bit down. It all depends on how you define relaxation. It could be a place that is real or not. The important thing is that it is truly and specially yours.
What is it that you are angry at?
How would you get to manage the anger that seems to broil deep down inside you when you have no clear idea as to the situations, matters that trigger them in the first place?
All in all, anger is both a boon and a bane. It is good to feel anger as it could also serve as a warning and a signal to let you know something must be resolved or fixed. But if inappropriately expressed, it could also hurt.
Try to keep cool, relax. In the long term, it is you who decide how and if you are going to let a situation get to you.