SELF ESTEEM: HIGH OR POSITIVE SELF ESTEEM V/S LOW SELF ESTEEM. DEFINITION: Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to others. Self-esteem affects our trust in others, our relationships, and our work – nearly
every part of our lives.
- Positive self-esteem gives us the strength and flexibility to take charge of our lives and grow from our mistakes without the fear of rejection.
Symptoms and Signs of High Self-Esteem: Some of the outward signs of high self-esteem:
- Confidence
- Self-direction
- Non-blaming behavior
- An awareness of personal strengths
- An ability to make mistakes and learn from them
- An ability to accept mistakes from others
- Optimism
- An ability to solve problems
- An independent and cooperative attitude
- Feeling comfortable with a wide range of emotions
- An ability to trust others
- A good sense of personal limitations
- Good self-care
- The ability to say no
Advantages of High Self-Esteem
- There is a direct relationship between people’s feelings and their productivity. High self-esteem is evident in respect for one’s self, others, property, law, parents, and one’s country. The reverse is also true.
- Builds strong conviction.
- Creates willingness to accept responsibility.
- Builds optimistic attitudes.
- Leads to better relationships and fulfilling lives.
- Makes a person more sensitive to others’ needs and develops a caring attitude.
- Makes a person self-motivated and ambitious.
- Makes a person open to new opportunities and challenges.
- Improves performance and increases risk-taking ability.
- Helps a person give and receive both criticism and compliments tactfully and easily.
- Low self-esteem is the worst condition that keeps individuals from realizing their full potential. A person with low self-esteem feels unworthy, incapable, and incompetent. Because the person with low self-esteem feels so poorly about him or herself, these feelings may cause the person’s continued low self-esteem.
Symptoms and Signs of Low Self-Esteem:
- Negative view of life
- Perfectionist attitude
- Mistrusting others – even those who show signs of affection
- Blaming behavior
- Fear of taking risks
- Feelings of being unloved and unlovable
- Dependence – letting others make decisions
- Fear of being ridiculed
- Feelings of low self-esteem often build up over a lifetime and letting go of ingrained feelings and behaviors is not an easy task.
- It may take time, hard work, and it may require professional counseling.
- But some simple, positive thinking techniques can be used to help improve self-esteem.
- These are called affirmations.
Using affirmations to stop negative self-talk is a simple, positive way to help increase self-esteem.
- Affirmations are encouraging messages we can give ourselves every day until they become part of our feelings and beliefs.
- Affirmations work best when a person is relaxed.
- But since people are often upset when they are giving themselves negative self-messages, they may need to counter negative messages
with positive ones. - For example, replace the message “I made a stupid mistake, and I am no good at this job,” with “Yes, I made a mistake but I have learned from it, and now I can a better job.”
- Begin each day by looking in the mirror and giving us a positive message.
The following affirmations can help you to work toward a positive self-image:
- I respect myself and others
- I am lovable and likable
- I am confident, and it shows
- I am creating loving, healthy relationships
- I am a good friend to myself and others
- I accept myself just as I am
- I look great
- Life is good, and I like being a part of it
- They are generally gossip mongers.
- They have a critical nature.
- They criticize as if there is a contest going on and they have to win a prize.
- They have high egos they are arrogant and believe they know it all.
- People with low self-esteem are generally difficult to work with and for.
- They tear down others to get a feeling of superiority.
- They are closed-minded and self-centered.
- They constantly make excuses–always justifying failures.
- They never accept responsibility–always blaming others.
- They have a fatalistic attitude no initiative and always waiting for things to happen.
- They are jealous by nature.
- They are unwilling to accept positive criticism.
- They become defensive.
- They are bored and uncomfortable when alone.
High Self-Esteem = Positive Attitude
- 1 Talk about ideas
- 2 Caring attitude
- 3 Humility
- 4 Respects authority
- 5 Courage of conviction
- 6 Confidence
- 7 Concerned about character
- 8 Assertive
- 9 Accepts responsibility
- 10 Self-interest
- 11 Optimistic
- 12 Understanding
- 13 Willing to learn
- 14 Sensitive
- 15 Solitude
- 16 Discuss
- 17 Believes in self-worth
- 18 Guided
- 19 Discipline
- 20 Internally driven
- 21 Respects others
- 22 Enjoys decency
- 23 Knows limit
- 24 Giver
High Self-Esteem Personality V/S Low Self-Esteem Personality
Low Self-Esteem = Negative Attitude
- Talk about people
- Critical attitude
- Arrogance
- Rebels against authority
- Goes along to get along
- Confusion
- Concerned about reputation
- Aggressive
- Blames the whole world
- Selfish
- Fatalistic
- Greedy
- Know it all
- Touchy
- Lonely
- Argue
- Believes in net worth only
- Misguided
- Distorted sense of freedom
- Externally driven
- Looks down on others
- Enjoys vulgarity
- Everything goes
- Taker
High Self-Esteem Personality V/S Low Self-Esteem Personality
High Self-Esteem Personality | Low Self-Esteem Personality |
1. Talk about ideas | Talk about people |
2. Caring attitude | Critical attitude |
3. Humility | Arrogance |
4 Respects authority | Rebels against authority |
5. Courage of conviction | Goes along to get along |
6. Confidence | Confusion |
7. Concerned about character | Concerned about reputation |
8. Assertive | Aggressive |
9. Accepts responsibility | Blames the whole world |
10. Self-interest | Selfish |
11. Optimistic | Fatalistic |
12. Understanding Greedy | Greedy |
13. Willing to learn | Know it all |
14. Sensitive | Touchy |
15. Solitude | Lonely |
16. Discuss | Argue |
17. Believes in self-worth | Believes in net worth only |
18. Guided | Misguided |
19. Discipline | Distorted sense of freedom |
20. Internally driven | Externally driven |
21. Respects others | Looks down on others |
22. Knows limit | Everything goes |
23. Enjoys decency | Enjoys vulgarity |
24. Giver | Taker |