The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth- Part-1

The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth- Part-1- That is the substratum of fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune. In the United States where there is more land than people, it is not at all difficult for persons in good health to make money. In this comparatively new field, there are so many avenues of success open, so many vocations which are not crowded, that any person of either sex who is willing, at least for the time being, to engage in any respectable occupation that offers, may find lucrative employment.

The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth- Part-1

The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth

That is the substratum of fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune

Those who really desire to attain independence, have only to set their minds upon it and adopt the proper means, as they do regarding any other object which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily done. But however easy it may be found to make money, I have no doubt many of my hearers will agree it is the most difficult thing in the world to keep it.

The road to wealth is, as Dr. Franklin truly says, “as plain as the road to the mill.”

It consists simply in expending less than we earn; that seems to be a very simple problem.  Many of my readers may say, “We understand this: this is economy, and we know the economy is wealth; we know we can’t eat our cake and keep it also.” Yet perhaps more cases of failure arise from mistakes on this point than almost any other. The fact is, many people think they understand the economy when they really do not.

True economy is misapprehended, and people go through life without properly comprehending what that principle is. One says, “I have an income of so much, and here is my neighbor who has the same; yet every year he gets something ahead and I fall short; why is it? I know all about the economy.” He thinks he does, but he does not.

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I never knew a man to succeed by practicing this kind of economy.

True economy consists in always making the income exceed the outgo.

Wear the old clothes a little longer if necessary; dispense with the new pair of gloves; mend the old dress: live on plainer food if need be; so that, under all circumstances, unless some unforeseen accident occurs, there will be a margin in favor of the income.

That we are born “free and equal” is a glorious truth in one sense, yet we are not all born equally rich, and we never shall be. My good woman, you will not get ahead in the world, if your vanity and envy thus take the lead. In this country, where we believe the majority ought to rule, we ignore that principle regarding fashion, and let a handful of people, calling themselves the aristocracy, run up a false standard of perfection, and in endeavoring to rise to that standard, we constantly keep ourselves poor; all the time digging away for the sake of outside appearances.

How much wiser to be a “law unto ourselves” and say, “we will regulate our out-go by our income, and lay up something for a rainy day.” People ought to be as sensible on the subject of money-getting as on any other subject. Like causes produce like effects. You cannot accumulate a fortune by taking the road that leads to poverty. It needs no prophet to tell us that those who live fully up to their means, without any thought of a reverse in this life, can never attain pecuniary independence.

That is the substratum of fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune

The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum of fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick. He has no ambition; no incentive; no force. Of course, some have bad health and cannot help it: you cannot expect that such persons can accumulate wealth, but there are a great many in poor health who need not be so. attention to natural laws, but absolutely transgress them, even against their own natural inclination. A child may thrust its finger into the flames without knowing it will burn, and so suffers, repentance, even, will not stop the smart. Many of our ancestors knew very little about the principle of ventilation.

The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth– Part-1

They did not know much about oxygen, whatever other “gin” they might have been acquainted with; and consequently, they built their houses with little seven-by-nine feet bedrooms, and these good old pious Puritans would lock themselves up in one of these cells, say their prayers and go to bed. Probably some big crack in the window, or the door, let in a little fresh air, and thus saved them.


Many persons knowingly violate the laws of nature against their better impulses, for the sake of fashion.

They have got hold of a poisonous, filthy weed, or rather that takes a firm hold of them.
Here are married men who run about spitting tobacco juice on the carpet and floors, and sometimes even upon their wives besides.

Another perilous feature is that this artificial appetite, like jealousy, “grows by what it feeds on;” when you love that which is unnatural, a stronger appetite is created for the hurtful thing than the natural desire for what is harmless. There is an old proverb that says that “habit is second nature,” but an artificial habit is stronger than nature. Take, for instance, an old tobacco-chewer; his love for the “quid” is stronger than his love for any particular kind of food. He can give up roast beef easier than give up the weed.

These remarks apply tenfold force to the use of intoxicating drinks.

101 कारण "क्यों" VESTIGE सबसे अच्छा व्यवसाय है ? (हिन्दी) 101 REASONS, WHY VESTIGE ?The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth- Part-1
101 कारण "क्यों" VESTIGE सबसे अच्छा व्यवसाय है ? (हिन्दी) 101 REASONS, WHY VESTIGE ?The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth- Part-1

The Foundation of Success in Life is Good Health and Wealth- Part-1