Amazing 12 Success Mantras Of Life.

Amazing 12 Success Mantras Of Life.

Success Mantra # 01

If misconceptions ever come to mind that “I leave”
So ask yourself the question “Why did you start” ..?
This one question from your own self will postpone a wrong decision.

Success Mantra # 02

The fire of motivation is fueled by your dreams ..!
So dream big to stay motivated & success will be yours… !!
“Dream is very powerful fuel”.
To be successful one needs a dream, a reason, a reason, a purpose, and
That same dream of yours will give you the strength to work.

Success Mantra # 03

We may not achieve everything we dream ..! but, Remember, we can not achieve anything unless we dream.!
So always dream big & success will surely be yours… !! Maybe what we want, all our dreams come true according to our mind,
Some must be complete. If the dream is not there, then there will be no desire to do anything from inside. And
It is definitely that without dreams, without hunger, without desire nothing will be found.

Success Mantra. # 04

Considering see others doing better than you. Just do better than yourself…. !!
Break your own records… !! Because Success is a fight between “You & Yourself”.
Do not think that someone is better or better than you, you keep doing better and better yourself.
Your fight is with yourself, you make your every day better than your previous day
And the better and the better the unmatched and the better the wonderful and
Make the beautiful.

Success Mantra. # 05

“Action speaks louder than words”
Because, your words may impress few people for some time, but your activities will impress the whole world forever.
So believe in action .. !!
Speak more than words, so believe in doing not just saying Do more work, you will get results.
If you want your team to work, then you work first,
And work hard, you should be the most working person in the team.
“People will not do what you ask them to do, people will do what you do”.

Success Mantra. # 06

“Vision can be converted into success” So Once u get the vision about your life/future, NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO ALTER IT .. !!
You will surely succeed. One day your vision will become your success. Keep your vision in your eyes.

And when you keep the vision in view, then you will not feel the hindrance of the road to success.
If your philosophy is in front of you then do not let anyone steal that philosophy. He is yours and you will definitely get it.

Amazing 12 Success Mantras Of Life.

30 SECRETS TO THE TOP By Paul Enenche MD

Success Mantra. # 07

“Success is come by doing big things one day”
Instead, it comes by doing small things every day .. !!
So be consistent .. !!
To get success does not mean that you have to do a lot of work at once, and you will be successful.
A little effort is needed every day for success. Only then one day you will get you your success.
Success = continuous, persistent, non-stop effort.

Success Mantra. # 08

“Morning sleep weakens human intentions!
Those acquiring the floor never sleep for long.
They fall behind whom the sun wakes, they win those who wake the sun ”.

Time is yours, if you want to make gold (GOLD), Or pass in sleep (Rest, Sleeping).


Success Mantra. # 09

“Every king was just a helpless baby once,
every big building was just a blueprint once ”
So no matter where you are today, everything depends on where you go tomorrow. !!
Everything is possible if u think for it…. !!
The great king Maharajah was also a small child someday, no king or noble is born.
One has to work to become big and great, no great success is ever achieved without hard work.
It does not matter where you are today, it will matter where you will be tomorrow.
“Yes, without effort, there are not pliers,
To find his own destination in the dark, the firefly is never in love with light.

Amazing 12 Success Mantras Of Life.

Success Mantra. # 10

“Momentum plays a vital role to create success”
Either we can ‘USE’ it or We can ‘LOOSE’ it.
So when momentum is there, just use it & succeed .. !!
Atmosphere, opportunities determine the pulse, speed, speed of great success,
It is up to us whether we are using them or misusing them.
“Understand the opportunity”.
(1) Recognize opportunity.
(2) Take the risk.
(3) Start working, and
(4) Keep trying till the final result.
(5) Celebrate success and then make a new goal.
“Don’t stop (stay), stop means = death”


Success Mantra. # 11

“We received to get paid more than our self-image”
“God never gives us more than we deserve”
So we need to increase our self-image & DESERVE NESS .. !!
Success will follow….
We can never get more than our abilities, limits, limits.
We get what we deserve.
We have to be worthy that we can get more.

Success Mantra. # 12

The most powerful sentence for victory is-
So just make it happen.
The most powerful sentence is: – It is not over yet, the game will end when I win.
The innings will go until I win, the game will not stop.

BOOK SUMMARY OF The 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money: By Brian Tracy

Amazing 12 Success Mantras Of Life.

Amazing 12 Success Mantras Of Life.

Harshit Brave

Health Care Advisor, Guide, Teacher, and Trainer. Life Counselling Coach. About Us. Optimal Health is something you all can refer to as perfect health an individual can have. Being healthy only physically is not enough, to attain that perfect health you need to be healthy in all the aspects of life, hence; Optimal Health – Happiness, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Spirituality.