The Sixth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing yourself as the Leader and the Expert of your Team
The Sixth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing yourself as the Leader and the Expert of your Team

The Sixth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing yourself as the Leader and the Expert of your Team

The Sixth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing yourself as the Leader and the Expert of your Team

The Sixth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing yourself as the Leader and the Expert of your Team.
If you are introducing someone else to your business, you are the expert when it comes to what it is that you have to offer. This expert status will always be there with you because you have been in the network marketing opportunity for a longer period and have had more time to learn the business.

If you are a person who is continuously growing in knowledge, this will always be the case.

  • Leadership is an absolute necessity when it comes to network marketing.
  • I am not saying that you have to be a babysitter, but you do need to make yourself available to your team members and portray yourself as someone that they can depend on.
  • This is oftentimes nonexistent in some organizations which is why they fall apart.

Can’t get a hold of your upline?

  • So what, you have to become the upline and take the responsibility to educate yourself and become the expert about the opportunity so that when people come into your organization you can get them off on the right foot.
  • You have to portray yourself as someone longer period and have had more time to learn the business.
  •  You have to portray yourself as someone who is in control, yet listen to your team members so that you can help them realize their vision.

Most people can have success in network marketing in the right direction.

  • This is why you have groups of people in certain opportunities that are extremely successful while other groups just simply fall by the wayside.
  • Those groups who are extremely successful have a leadership that is able and willing to push the team in the right direction.
  • This does not mean that everyone in the organization is going to have success but it makes the success attainable to those who are willing to pursue it were in most instances, if left to fend for themselves, they would have never had a chance.

Leadership in network marketing is not about a power trip.

  • It is about encouraging people, being there for them when they need you to talk to a prospect, being knowledgeable about the product and the pay plan, able to answer questions and provide advice to those who are seeking direction.

Leadership is not easy for some people.

  • Some people just have a dependence on others and these folks are typically the ones who will drop out when they figure out the no one is going to do it for them.
  • On the other hand, if you have gone through the realization process that is laid out in this report, you will find that you are already a leader because a leader has the attitude of success and is not dependant on the approval of others.

Success in network marketing is mental.

Leadership is mental.

  • If you reflect weakness you will attract weakness, but if you reflect strength and surety in what it is that you are doing, you will attract those who are like-minded.
  • Most people have basic needs and one of those needs is to belong.
  • When someone is seeking the approval of a group, they often become a reflection of the group.
  • If you as the leader of the group have a strong sense of what it is that you want to accomplish, those who may be weaker initially will start to exhibit those same traits and before you know it, they are doing whatever it is that you are doing.

Success is contagious which is why network marketing is such a gold mine.

  • The law of multiplication goes beyond numbers and is in my view related as much to math as it is to the energy or better yet synergy of the group.
  • The more success you have in your group, even if it starts with one person, the more success will result.

This is a chain reaction that once it starts, thankfully cannot be stopped.

  1. The 7 Keys to the Kingdom of Network Marketing-1. The Right Mindset
  2. The Second Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is the Willingness to Work the Business
  3. The Third Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is to Establish your vision of what your Hard Work can Accomplish for you
  4. The Fourth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is Establishing Within yourself, The Attitude of Success
  5. The Fifth Key to the Kingdom of Network Marketing is The Plan of Action

Harshit Brave

Health Care Advisor, Guide, Teacher, and Trainer. Life Counselling Coach. About Us. Optimal Health is something you all can refer to as perfect health an individual can have. Being healthy only physically is not enough, to attain that perfect health you need to be healthy in all the aspects of life, hence; Optimal Health – Happiness, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Spirituality.