101 Self-Help Tips: Part 2/5

101 Self Help Tips: Part 2/5

101 Self Help Tips: Part 2/5-Tips for Building Your Self-Discipline. More self-disciplined people tend to be more successful in their lives and are better able to accomplish whatever they put their minds to. Sometimes it can be tough to keep yourself in line. Everyone has temptations and vices that can cause them to stray from their ultimate goals. Read part 1/5 of 101 self-help tips.

Tips for Building Your Self-Discipline

However, having self-discipline will help you to define your limits and know when you’re getting off track with your goals and expectations. So, if you find that you have no self-discipline, you need to try and find ways to build that discipline and keep it strong whenever you see an opportunity to stray.

1. Plan a Routine

Developing a plan and sticking with it is a great way to keep yourself disciplined. Taking the time to have a set routine and sticking with it regularly can help keep you in line and keep yourself motivated throughout the day. It will take some time to get a productive routine down, but once you have it, it’s a quick way for you to ensure that you are disciplined and able to stay motivated throughout the day.

2. Keep to Your Routine

Unfortunately, life has a way of interrupting our plans, no matter how prepared we think we are. However, it’s how you handle these distractions that will ensure you find success.
So, when you see that something is interrupting your routine, work on getting past it as soon as possible, so you can get back to your routine and carry on as if the interruption never happened. When you can stick with your routine, you are more likely to keep the momentum of your day in high gear.

3. Have the Same Routine Daily

It can be incredibly confusing if you change your routine too often. Have one routine and work towards keeping it consistent from day today. A routine can help you continue a steady flow throughout your day. It might take a bit to get your routine in place, but once you do, you will get the driving force that will help propel you through your day.

4. Set Specific Goals

Goals are an important part of your motivation. If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, then you’ll do nothing but walk around in circles. Having specific goals in place before you go for it will help you find your motivation so that you can reach those goals. By knowing what you want and what you can gain from the activity will give you the motivation to give it you’re all.

5. Define Your Life to Fit Your Goals

Knowing what you want to accomplish is a good factor to motivate you to succeed in achieving it. Once you know exactly what you want and what goals you need to set out to achieve it, carefully structure your activities around those goals. This can be simply telling yourself that you want to be at this place at this specific time.

6. Organize Your Day

Take a few minutes in the morning to organize your day. Organizing your day can help you stay productive and motivated throughout the day. There is nothing more discouraging than not being able to find what you need and having to waste valuable time looking for it. Taking a few minutes to plan and organize how you want to spend your day can help to keep you on track.

101 Self-Help Tips: Part 2/5-Tips for Building Your Self-Discipline

7. Utilize a Pinup Board

Hang a corkboard someplace where you’ll see it daily and pin your goals to it. Looking at your goals regularly can help to rekindle lost motivation and get you back on track to pursuing them. This is an inexpensive and quick way to visually motivate yourself and keep you working toward accomplishing your goals.

8. Talk Through Your Motions

When you talk through what you’re doing, you tend to pay better attention to what you’re doing. This can save you a ton of time because you won’t wander around aimlessly and forget what you wanted to do in the first place. When we are more aware of what we are doing, we tend to make each movement count.

9. Celebrate Small Victories

When you don’t want to get moving and feel lethargic, praising yourself for the small things that you’ve accomplished will help motivate you and keep you on the right path to reaching your goals. While it might seem silly, it really can be a great motivator, especially when you’re lacking the energy and drive to get through the day.

10. Compete with Yourself

Competing with yourself can help you to get moving faster. Competing against yourself to do better than you did the day before can make you want to step up your game and push yourself to do better than before. There are many different ways that you can compete with yourself, so you can become better and improve your motivational goals.

11. Challenge Yourself

Find motivation and self-discipline by challenging yourself to complete new tasks daily. Challenging yourself daily to complete new, more difficult tasks, can keep you excited and make you want to continue trying, and can help you improve your habits.

12.  Allow Others to Challenge You

Competition with others will fuel your desire to continue on the journey to reaching your goals. Use those around you to help you become more self-disciplined and help you find motivation and success. A little competition can go a long way in helping you go further and accomplish more than you would under your power.

 13. Filter Your Mind of Negative Thoughts

Before you can set your goals and be motivated to discipline yourself, you need to start filtering the negative thoughts out of your mind. This will allow you to begin to focus on what matters. Unless you cleanse your mind of poisonous thoughts, you will find it impossible to think clearly and believe in yourself.

101 Self-Help Tips: Part 2/5-Tips for Building Your Self-Discipline

14. Talk Kindly to Yourself

To rid yourself of the negative thoughts that you nurture, you have to pay attention to your self-talk. For you to be able to move forward and reach your goals, you have to build a positive mindset. A positive mindset starts with talking kindly to yourself. It takes a lot of courage to be kind to yourself, but it is necessary if you want to find yourself in a better place.

15. Develop a Can-Do Attitude

To effectively push yourself forward and embrace challenges, you have to develop a can-do attitude. Doing this requires a commitment to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to become more disciplined and that you will strive for what matters most to you despite all odds.

16. Develop Positive Affirmations

One way to ensure that you follow through with your goals is to turn them into affirmations and repeat them daily. When you repeatedly say something to yourself with deep conviction, you affirm in your mind and compel it to accept that suggestion and to work toward fulfilling it. As soon as your mind accepts the suggestion as to the absolute truth, it will focus its energy on it and make you take meaningful action to reach your goal.

 17. Break Your Bad Habits

If you want to become more disciplined so you can achieve your goals and become more productive, you need to get rid of all the bad habits that keep you from being the best version of yourself. Your habits shape your life, so if you want to build a good, meaningful life and accomplish all your goals, you need to eliminate the bad habits that keep you from fulfilling your mission.

18. Make an Action Plan

Without an action plan, you won’t be able to move toward your goals efficiently. A plan of action will provide you with a step-by-step guideline for moving toward each of your goals. With an action plan in hand, you can complete necessary tasks every day that are needed to achieve your goals. Break your big goal, into smaller, more manageable steps and work on them daily.

19. Have the Bigger Picture in Mind

If you have difficulty starting tasks or you lose your motivation, stop what you’re doing and recall your end goal and think of the bigger picture. Recall why you’re pursuing the particular goal and reiterate to yourself the importance of having self-discipline for achieving your goals.

20. Focus on the Present

If you want to make continuous progress, you must learn how to live in the present. Thinking too much about the future can overwhelm you, making it extremely tough to work on the current task effectively. Likewise, when you live in the past and continue to remember the setbacks you’ve experienced, you’re unable to take the meaningful action you need to continue to move forward.

21. Learn from Your Experiences

Every experience that you go through, be it good or bad, should be seen as a learning experience. If you make a mistake, don’t regret the mistake and don’t feel bad about making it. Instead, focus on what you can do to improve. Accept each challenge and obstacle happily and wholeheartedly to stop yourself from fearing setbacks.



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