10 Common Symptoms Of Depression, A Potential Cause Of Depression And Solution
10 Common Symptoms Of Depression, A Potential Cause of Depression And Solution, To Depression I have recently made a very startling discovery that has helped me to stop spiraling into bouts of depression. In this article, I write about this discovery which I hope will help other people to lead much happier lives, free from anxiety and stress.

I have recently made a very startling discovery that has helped me to stop spiraling into bouts of depression. In this article, I write about this discovery which I hope will help other people to lead much happier lives, free from anxiety and stress.
I am the type of person who can easily let things get on top of me. If I am rushed about here there and everywhere by my family or friends, I am often left feeling very drained and exhausted.
I am sure this is the same for many people but the way it affects me over the next twenty-four hours is somewhat different. I seem to lose all of my energy and this then can easily lead me into thinking in a very negative way, often ending with me becoming quite depressed.
For whatever reason, this depression can stay and in a way haunt my life for quite a few days. I begin to worry about the future, start to think that I am a failure, start to become paranoid about what other people think of me, and become scared to leave my own house.

I have spoken to my family and especially my parents about this issue. They have advised me to seek help from a doctor. I must say that even though this would be good advice for most people, I feel that I am the kind of person who could become easily hooked and dependent on any tablets that would be described. I certainly do not want an addiction to add to my problems.
A possible solution to my depression
A few weeks ago I was watching a television program that has since had a massive impact on my life. It was an army-type program and it talked about how one particular group of soldiers had all seemingly become ill and could not even
complete the most routine of tasks.
A doctor or some other type of medical personnel was called to their camp to investigate what was wrong. The initial belief was that it was likely to be some form of food poisoning.
The doctor stated that the men had salt deprivation and called for a large number of salt tablets to be brought to the camp.
I thought about this and wondered if this could be the cause of my issues. The next time I felt I was becoming down or when I was overtired, I ate food products that contained a lot of salt and I am very happy to report that I quickly regained my energy and confidence levels. Such a simple solution to what was once such a huge problem for me. If you are also the kind of person who is often depressed try eating a bit more salt, it might just change your life.

10 Common Symptoms Of Depression
Every year approximately 9.5 percent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects day to day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair.
The symptoms of depression are varied and the severity changes with time. And, according to experts depression can be an inherited disorder, or caused by life threatening illnesses, or stress. Other causes are certain diseases, medicines, drugs, alcohol, or mental illnesses.
Women are seen to experience depression more than men and this is attributed to hormonal swings, menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, pre-menopause, and post-menopause.
Common symptoms are:
- An unshakeable sadness, anxiety, or emptiness.
- Overwhelming hopelessness accompanied by pessimistic feelings.
- Extreme guilt, feelings of helplessness, and no sense of self worth.
- Loss of energy, a slowing down of metabolism, and activity levels. Being plagued by constant fatigue.
- A sense of helplessness along with an increasing inability to focus and indecisiveness.
- Loss of sound sleep and development of extreme insomnia.
- Inexplicable weight loss or weight gain. Triggered by loss of appetite or eating binges.
- Brooding and suicidal inclinations.
- Irritability, short temper, as well as restlessness.
- Physical afflictions like headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain for no particular reason.
If you experience any of the above along with a marked change in behaviour do consult your doctor. He will give you a thorough examination to rule out physical causes for depression as well as any underlying medical problems. Then if required he will recommend that you consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Take matters in hand and try and erase negativity from your mind. Cut out from your life terms like exhaustion, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Change your life by setting yourself a few goals. Try and relax, meditate, and enjoy music. Start new activities that absorb your time as well as interests. Go out and meet people and participate in group
activities. Avoid the company of negative people. Make up your mind to enjoy a movie, ballgame, family outing, picnic, or trek. Be positive, self confident, and have faith in yourself.
Faith is itself a great healer. Decide to change your world for the better.
However, do follow the doctor’s advice.
Treatment can include: antidepressant medicines, psychotherapy, as well as lifestyle changes.
In extreme cases electroconvulsive therapy or light therapy are prescribed.
If your depression escalates or you are suicidal seek help from your family physician or health care provider. Do call a local health department, a community mental health centre, or hospital or clinic. Someone will extend a helping hand and talk you through the crisis.