Being Stress-Free Can Help You Find Your Calling

Being Stress-Free Can Help You Find Your Calling. Finding your calling, being healthy, and stress-free go hand in hand. When you find out why you are truly here on this planet you inevitably will become happier and happier.

This also allows you to free up some time to focus on your health and becoming stress free.

Being Stress Free Can Help You Find Your Calling
Being Stress-Free Can Help You Find Your Calling
  • The reason you will have more time after finding your calling, is that it frees up your time because you are not doing those redundant tedious tasks you were doing before you found what you’re supposed to be doing in your life.
  • Stress relief techniques can be very beneficial to finding your true calling because it allows you to clear your mind and focus more on what you really want in life. Here are a few tips on how to relieve stress. 

Steps to Becoming Stress Free

  • Most of the individuals are under never-ending stress, which may have a serious negative effect on their life.
  • Stress can affect our mind and body resulting in a wide range of health problems so it is crucial to know how to cope with it.
  • There are numerous want to relieve stress.
  • Stress relief techniques that will help you do away with stress instantly and will help to improve the quality of your life.
  • Some of those techniques are probably already some of your regular daily activities and it is quite possible that you are already unknowingly reducing stress. 

Best Stress Relief Methods That Work 

Exercises and Mood Control 

  • With exercise, you release the tension and stress, whether it is running, working out at a gym, or doing a sport such as running, tennis or basketball.
  • Exercising improves the blood circulation in the body and releases physical stress in the muscles.
  • These activities are able to control a strained situation while controlling a negative mood in progress. 

Controlled Breathing

  •  Breathe in through your nose slowly then out through your mouth.
  • When you blow the air out of your lungs, you will feel how the tension will flow out of the body.
  • By controlled breathing we provide the body with the right amount of oxygen and normalize our hear beat.
Being Stress Free Can Help You Find Your Calling
Being Stress-Free Can Help You Find Your Calling


 Going to massage is a great way to decrease stress that will release some of the stress from your body. You will feel amazing, empowered by the much-needed relaxation that helps you to calm your muscles. 

Meditation and Yoga 

  • As you likely already know, yoga is a great stress relief technique.
  • Yoga gives you several advantages.
  • It supplies you with physical and mental relaxation and contributes to balanced stress level. 


  •  Laughter is a great stress relief method that works.
  • You probably know how great it feels when you are laughing at a friend’s joke, amusing comedy or a stand up show.
  • With laughter, we stretch the tense up muscles on our face and release the tension out of out body.
  • We also allow more blood to flow to the pleasure centers of the mind that make us happier.
  • Funny stress relief is a sure winner when we would like to reduce stress fast. 


  • There are ancient medicines that can be resorted to as stress relief methods.
  • Among these are Ayurveda that heals internal elevated ailments.
  • Others are mandookparni, brahmi and shatavari.
  • They have been used to clear and cure some disturbances that include anxiety and levels of stress.
  • Nevertheless, know the correct dosage.
  • It alters from one person to another, as well as how stressful the case is. 

Natural Herbs

  • Through natural herbs as well as an incorporation of other factors such as exercises, stress levels can easily be dealt with.
  • However, it is important to choose the right herbs with a track of effectiveness.

Changing Habits

  •  Change of negative and stress worsening habits can also relieve stress.
  • For example, avoid overeating or taking it on those who live with you.
  • Others fail to eat anything and thus worsen the situation.
  • Find balance and stress will not affect you. 


  • If mastered, it removes all the stress and tension afflicting a person while clearing all kinds of negative thinking.
  • In this case, a patient is put in a natural relaxing and deep phase of concentration.
  • Use of hypnosis could help one to easily moderate and learn more about any negative pattern clear in life as well as helping positively to treat them. 

Avoiding Junk and Sugary Foods & Consuming Minerals

  •  If you feel stressed or in case you are prone to it, avoid sugary and junk fast foods by exercising or starting an invigorating co-curricular activity such as tennis playing.
  • In order to help our body relax you have to consume enough minerals such as vitamin C and Calcium that can help deal with stress levels.
  • Vitamin C can make one to feel really rejuvenated and invigorated while calcium aids in muscle relaxation.
Being Stress-Free Can Help You Find Your Calling

Put It All Together

 Is there something you already love doing? 

  • Do you have a hobby, or something you loved doing as a child, but never considered it as a possibility?
  • Whether it’s reading comic books, collecting something, making something, creating or building, there is probably a way you could do it for a living.
  • Open a comic book shop, or create a comic book site online.
  • If there is already something you love doing, you’re ahead of the game.
  • Now you just need to research the possibilities of making money from it.

Putting It All Together Is there something you already love doing?

  • Do you have a hobby, or something you loved doing as a child, but never considered it as a possibility?
  • Whether it’s reading comic books, collecting something, making something, creating or building, there is probably a way you could do it for a living.
  • Open a comic book shop, or create a comic book site online. If there’s already something you love doing, you’re ahead of the game.

Now you just need to research the possibilities of making money from it. What do you spend hours reading about?

  • For myself, when I get passionate about something, I will read about it for hours on end.
  • I will buy books and magazines.
  • I will spend days on the Internet finding out more.

There may be a few possibilities here for you and all of them are possible career paths.

  • Do not close your mind to these topics.
  • Look into them.
  • Brainstorm.
  • Nothing comes to mind right away?

Well, get out a sheet of paper, and start writing down ideas.

  • Anything that comes to mind, write it down.
  • Look around your house, on your computer, on your bookshelf, for inspirations, and just write them down.
  • There are no bad ideas at this stage. Write everything down, and evaluate them later.
  • Ask around, and surf for possibilities. Ask other people for ideas.
  • See what others have discovered as their passions.
  • Look all over the Internet for ideas.

The more possibilities you find, the more likely your chances of finding your true passion.

  • Don’t quit your job just yet.
  • If you find your calling, your passion, don’t just turn in your resignation tomorrow.
  • It is best to stay in your job while you are researching the possibilities.
  • If you can do your passion as a side job, and build up the income for a few months or a year, that is even better.
  • It gives you a chance to build up some savings (and if you are going into business for yourself, you will need that cash reserve), while practicing the skills you need.
  • See below for more.
  • Try it first.
  • It is best to actually test your new idea before jumping into it as a career.
  • Do it as a hobby or side job at first, so that you can see if it’s really your true calling.

You may be passionate about it for a few days, but where the rubber meets the road is whether you’re passionate about it for at least a few months.

  • If you pass this test, you have probably found it.
  • Do as much research as possible.
  • Know as much about your passion as possible.
  • If this has been a passion for a while, you may have already been doing this.
  • At any rate, do even more research.

Read every website possible on the topic, and buy the best books available.

  • Either find other people, in your area or on the Internet, who do what you want to do for a living, and quiz them about the profession.
  • How much do they make?
  • What training and education did they need?
  • What skills are necessary?
  • How did they get their start?
  • What recommendations do they have?

Often you will find that people are more than willing to give advice.

  • Practice, and practice, and practice some more.
  • Do not go into it with amateur skill level.
  • If you want to make money to be a professional you need to have professional skills.

Get very good at your future career and you will make money at it.

  • Practice for hours on end.
  • If it is something you love, the practice should be something you want to do.

Never quit trying.

  • Can’t find your passion at first?
  • Give up after a few days and you’re sure to fail.
  • Keep trying, for months on end if necessary and you’ll find it eventually.
  • Thought you found your passion but you got tired of it?
  • No problem!
  • Start over again and find a new passion.
  • There may be more than one passion in your lifetime, so explore all the possibilities.

Found your passion but haven’t been successful making a living at it?

  • Do not give up.
  • Keep trying, and try again, until you succeed.

Success does not come easy, so giving up early is a sure way to fail.

  • Keep trying, and you will get there.
  • You also want to keep you health in very good standing.
  • It definitely always helps to keep your stress levels down.
  • Health is important because you feel better about the things you are doing, which lead to finding your true calling.

Being stress free has to be the most important though.

  • The reason being is you have a clear mind.
  • Your head is not cluttered with things that are mundane and tedious.
  • If you get rid of that stress, it is easier to focus on what you’re really want, your true calling. 

Wrapping Up

  • Does your life feel scattered?
  • Is your desk swimming in post-it notes and to-do lists?
  • Do you find difficulty coordinating your schedule, your family’s schedule and work’s schedule?
  • Do you have goals that you never get to?
  • Are there old friends you never get around to calling?
  • Would you love to live a simpler life, but have a tough time finding time to make that happen?

Find your true Calling.

  • Use these steps and tips in this book will definitely alter your perception on how you can attain your true calling.
  • You can do this!
  1. 101 Best Success Quotes
Being Stress Free Can Help You Find Your Calling

Being Stress-Free Can Help You Find Your Calling