Why Network Marketing?
Why Network Marketing ? Twenty Bonus Tips For Building Your Network Marketing Business
Passive income versus active income Passive Income = Freedom of Time and Money
Low capital investment
The majority of network marketing companies require very little upfront money to join; what moneys are required to cover start-up costs and some initial product purchase.
Low operating cost.
Further to this are incidental costs such as phone, fuel and other small home office operating costs.
Part-time commitment still works
Support systems
Network marketing also provides this sense of confidence—although you are in business for yourself, you’re not in business by yourself.
Creating positive cash-flow
Most people operate in a negative cashflow—just look at the accumulated credit card debt.
Creating wealth
Many people who have built a successful network marketing business have done so by recognizing the possibilities in using it as a vehicle to create a large passive income and positive cash flow, and in using that cash flow to build their wealth.
Reality versus fiction
Network marketing has become the victim of many misconceptions and some ill repute in years past. Sadly, in some cases, a bad reputation was well deserved.
Some of the misconceptions still commonly heard are covered in the following pages.
‘It’s a pyramid’
This is one of the most common misconceptions.
‘You make money out of other people’
People often remark that being in a network marketing business is just making money out of friends or other people. But that’s just what any business does—it makes money from providing a product or service to other people.
If you were a trades person, for example, and your friends wanted to engage your services to have renovations done to their home, would you decline the offer because you didn’t want to make money from them?
Network marketing is no different from traditional business in that it has a particular product or service available for purchase by those who choose it.
‘You will lose all your friends’
People involved in network marketing will often make many more friends as a result of their involvement. Because you meet so many new people while developing your network, and then work with many more as business associates over the life of your business, your circle of friends grows considerably, many of their remaining lifelong friends.
‘It’s a cult’
Quite often a lot of excitement, enthusiasm, motivation and commitment is displayed by those involved in network marketing. For people outside the industry, this can be a little difficult to understand, and some of them can see the degree of enthusiasm as akin to a cult following—only because they don’t relate to this level of motivation and commitment when compared to their own situation.
‘Nobody ever makes money’
The important thing you need to know is that many thousands of people have made money from network marketing, much of it significant, and so can you if you decide to work at it. Being in network marketing is no different to being in traditional business—if you don’t work the business, the business won’t work for you. The other thing that is important here is, once again, perspective.
For example, how many people start a university degree and don’t graduate? Good thing universities don’t have a failure ceremony at the end of the year—if they did, no one would think that university works.
How many people do you know who’ve started on a fitness program, or joined a gym, and simply quit? What failed here: the fitness program, the gym or the individual? In business, more importantly, consider how many people start a traditional business and fail.
The most important message
Being successful in any business is more about attitude than anything else. Sure, if your business concept is to sell ice to Eskimos, the best attitude in the world will probably not help you a great deal and in all likelihood, the business will bomb.
But the wonderful thing about most network marketing models and companies is that they have been proven to work in the past—which means, at least theoretically, that you can make it work as well. In other words, they are based on a tried, tested and proven model, not some pie-in-the-sky concept that could prove to be fundamentally flawed.
Why network marketing?
It is important to remember that you are going into business first and foremost; in this instance, the type of business you are considering is a network marketing business. Network marketing businesses each have their own idiosyncrasies and opportunities. They can be incredibly rewarding on many levels and as challenging as any mainstream business.
Success is about being smarter and often doing things differently to the way we would have done them in the past. Leverage and duplication Leverage and duplication are simply the ability to leverage your time and to duplicate your efforts. Most successful entrepreneurs use it to build their wealth.
Choosing your network marketing business
Network Marketing Business (नेटवर्क मार्केटिंग बिजनेस)