How to Defeat Fear, Worry, and Depression Permanently?

What are the things you fear, worry about, and get depressed about? It’s time to address these fears right now. It’s time to bind and cast these demons out and claim your peace and joy. How to Defeat Fear, Worry, and Depression Permanently? What Is Fear, Anxiety, and Depression Details of 11 Types of Fear- Part 2

How to Defeat Fear, Worry, and Depression Permanently?


Let’s do some work. It’s possible that what gets you afraid in life or bother your peace of mind is in the eleven faces of the dragon that I have listed in the article of 11 Types of Fear (Part 2) | Fear, Anxiety & Depression Let’s look deep and identify the real issues we fear and worry about. Is your major fears or worry about:

  1. Sin
  2. Danger
  3. Death
  4. Criticisms of what people will say or are already saying.
  5. Poverty
  6. Failure in business
  7. Illness
  8. Demons and their attacks and nightmares.
  9. Loss of love or marriage failure.
  10. The future
  11. Old age

Yea, these are not the only things people fear or worry about in life, which also brings them depression.

  • Those are just summaries that God has laid in my heart.
    The point, however, is to identify these things that cause us fear, worry, and depression.
  • Take a plain piece of paper and list the things that seem to border and get you really scared. Once we can pinpoint these issues, we can now deal with them appropriately.

How to Defeat Fear, Worry, and Depression Permanently?


There was a time in David’s life that circumstances and negative events pressed him hard enough to develop fears all around. What did he do? How did he handle such times in his life? He said: “I sought the LORD and He delivered me from all my fears” – Psalm 34:4 He Sought God in prayers and He delivered him from “all his fears!” Not One. Not Two, Not Three.

They must have been so many. It’s possible that we suddenly begin to have fears in our hearts due to the way things are going in the home, office, or nation. Our fears may be justifiable. But the truth is that these fears do not produce good fruits eventually.  Whenever you notice you are developing fears all around, probably because of unusual disappointments, frustrations, delayed answers to prayers, etc., your next best action should be to declare a season of rest in God’s presence until your confidence and faith are completely restored.

This rest could be a season of fasting and prayers or a personal retreat to read the Bible and meditate.

You mustn’t get carried away with being busy, ignore your fears, and live like all is well. Don’t. Take some time out and deal with your fears and let God restore your confidence and direction. “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”– Jeremiah 33:3

How to Defeat Fear, Worry, and Depression Permanently?


Words are spiritual forces that create physical realities. Just as the Israelite’s bought their fear and defeat through the words they heard from Goliath, we can also let fear into our hearts by the words we hear. These words may be the news we watch, what the doctors are saying, what neighbors think and say about us, what teachers say about our children, etc.

To continue to manifest victory over fear, worry, and depression, we must learn how to reject news and words that build up our fears.

Just as faith comes from WORDS (of GOD), fear also comes through WORDS (Romans 10:17). Jesus has already told us that in the world there will be a lot of tribulations, but that we have peace in Him. Prophet Isaiah too said that gross darkness will cover the earth and the peoples, but that our light will shine (Isaiah 60:1- 3). So when men come up with their analyses on how terrible things are going to become, we should find rest in God’s WORDS and reject all this evil news everywhere.

How to Defeat Fear, Worry, and Depression Permanently?  So we have seen how we can overcome fear, anxiety, and disappointment, hope you have liked this article, if you have suggestions and comments, then do let us know. Thank you. 


Story and Example From Bible About Healing Verses

How to Defeat Fear, Worry and Depression Permanently?

Harshit Brave

Health Care Advisor, Guide, Teacher, and Trainer. Life Counselling Coach. About Us. Optimal Health is something you all can refer to as perfect health an individual can have. Being healthy only physically is not enough, to attain that perfect health you need to be healthy in all the aspects of life, hence; Optimal Health – Happiness, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Spirituality.