SELF ESTEEM: HIGH OR POSITIVE SELF ESTEEM V/S LOW SELF ESTEEM. DEFINITION: Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to others. Self-esteem affects our trust in others, our relationships, and our work – nearly
every part of our lives.


  • Positive self-esteem gives us the strength and flexibility to take charge of our lives and grow from our mistakes without the fear of rejection.

Symptoms and Signs of High Self-Esteem: Some of the outward signs of high self-esteem:

  1. Confidence
  2. Self-direction
  3. Non-blaming behavior
  4. An awareness of personal strengths
  5. An ability to make mistakes and learn from them
  6. An ability to accept mistakes from others
  7. Optimism
  8. An ability to solve problems
  9. An independent and cooperative attitude
  10. Feeling comfortable with a wide range of emotions
  11. An ability to trust others
  12. A good sense of personal limitations
  13. Good self-care
  14. The ability to say no

Advantages of High Self-Esteem

  • There is a direct relationship between people’s feelings and their productivity. High self-esteem is evident in respect for one’s self, others, property, law, parents, and one’s country. The reverse is also true.


  1. Builds strong conviction.
  2. Creates willingness to accept responsibility.
  3. Builds optimistic attitudes.
  4. Leads to better relationships and fulfilling lives.
  5. Makes a person more sensitive to others’ needs and develops a caring attitude.
  6. Makes a person self-motivated and ambitious.
  7. Makes a person open to new opportunities and challenges.
  8. Improves performance and increases risk-taking ability.
  9. Helps a person give and receive both criticism and compliments tactfully and easily.


  • Low self-esteem is the worst condition that keeps individuals from realizing their full potential. A person with low self-esteem feels unworthy, incapable, and incompetent. Because the person with low self-esteem feels so poorly about him or herself, these feelings may cause the person’s continued low self-esteem.

Symptoms and Signs of Low Self-Esteem:

  1. Negative view of life
  2. Perfectionist attitude
  3. Mistrusting others – even those who show signs of affection
  4. Blaming behavior
  5. Fear of taking risks
  6. Feelings of being unloved and unlovable
  7. Dependence – letting others make decisions
  8. Fear of being ridiculed


  • Feelings of low self-esteem often build up over a lifetime and letting go of ingrained feelings and behaviors is not an easy task.
  • It may take time, hard work, and it may require professional counseling.
  • But some simple, positive thinking techniques can be used to help improve self-esteem.
  • These are called affirmations.

Using affirmations to stop negative self-talk is a simple, positive way to help increase self-esteem.

  • Affirmations are encouraging messages we can give ourselves every day until they become part of our feelings and beliefs.
  • Affirmations work best when a person is relaxed.
  • But since people are often upset when they are giving themselves negative self-messages, they may need to counter negative messages
    with positive ones.
  • For example, replace the message “I made a stupid mistake, and I am no good at this job,” with “Yes, I made a mistake but I have learned from it, and now I can a better job.”
  • Begin each day by looking in the mirror and giving us a positive message.

The following affirmations can help you to work toward a positive self-image:

  1. I respect myself and others
  2. I am lovable and likable
  3. I am confident, and it shows
  4. I am creating loving, healthy relationships
  5. I am a good friend to myself and others
  6. I accept myself just as I am
  7. I look great
  8. Life is good, and I like being a part of it


  1. They are generally gossip mongers.
  2. They have a critical nature.
  3. They criticize as if there is a contest going on and they have to win a prize.
  4. They have high egos they are arrogant and believe they know it all.
  5. People with low self-esteem are generally difficult to work with and for.
  6. They tear down others to get a feeling of superiority.
  7. They are closed-minded and self-centered.
  8. They constantly make excuses–always justifying failures.
  9. They never accept responsibility–always blaming others.
  10. They have a fatalistic attitude no initiative and always waiting for things to happen.
  11. They are jealous by nature.
  12. They are unwilling to accept positive criticism.
  13. They become defensive.
  14. They are bored and uncomfortable when alone.


High Self-Esteem = Positive Attitude

  • 1 Talk about ideas
  • 2 Caring attitude
  • 3 Humility
  • 4 Respects authority
  • 5 Courage of conviction
  • 6 Confidence
  • 7 Concerned about character
  • 8 Assertive
  • 9 Accepts responsibility
  • 10 Self-interest
  • 11 Optimistic
  • 12 Understanding
  • 13 Willing to learn
  • 14 Sensitive
  • 15 Solitude
  • 16 Discuss
  • 17 Believes in self-worth
  • 18 Guided
  • 19 Discipline
  • 20 Internally driven
  • 21 Respects others
  • 22 Enjoys decency
  • 23 Knows limit
  • 24 Giver

High Self-Esteem Personality V/S Low Self-Esteem Personality

Low Self-Esteem = Negative Attitude

  1. Talk about people
  2. Critical attitude
  3. Arrogance
  4. Rebels against authority
  5. Goes along to get along
  6. Confusion
  7. Concerned about reputation
  8. Aggressive
  9. Blames the whole world
  10. Selfish
  11. Fatalistic
  12. Greedy
  13. Know it all
  14. Touchy
  15. Lonely
  16. Argue
  17. Believes in net worth only
  18. Misguided
  19. Distorted sense of freedom
  20. Externally driven
  21. Looks down on others
  22. Enjoys vulgarity
  23. Everything goes
  24. Taker

High Self-Esteem Personality V/S Low Self-Esteem Personality

High Self-Esteem Personality 

Low Self-Esteem Personality

1. Talk about ideas Talk about people
2.  Caring attitude Critical attitude
3. Humility   Arrogance
4 Respects authority Rebels against authority
5. Courage of conviction Goes along to get along
6. Confidence  Confusion
7. Concerned about character  Concerned about reputation
8. Assertive  Aggressive
9. Accepts responsibility  Blames the whole world
10. Self-interest Selfish
11. OptimisticFatalistic
12. Understanding GreedyGreedy
13. Willing to learnKnow it all
14. Sensitive Touchy
15. SolitudeLonely
16. DiscussArgue
17. Believes in self-worth Believes in net worth only
18. Guided Misguided
19. Discipline Distorted sense of freedom


20. Internally driven Externally driven
21. Respects othersLooks down on others
22. Knows limitEverything goes
23. Enjoys decency Enjoys vulgarity
24. Giver Taker

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