The Great Power of Spoken Words, How to Improve Your Word Power? 7 Tips to Improve
The Great Power of Spoken Words, How to Improve Your Word Power? 7 Tips to Improve your word power. It took me a long time to realize the power of spoken words.

The Bible says, “What you say you will get.” Even the Bhagwat Gita says, “Your words make a difference in the world.” When we read the newspaper article, “Recession in Global Economy ‘we start talking about it and then the economic downturn. The next day we read the article,” Global Economic Prosperity “and then everyone talks about it.
You must have experienced this while going to school.
- Try to remember. The teacher may tell you that you do not know much about math. And you really believe it because he was your esteemed teacher. The teacher decided in 2 minutes that your math was weak. And it can have a profound effect on your whole life.
Words are a very powerful weapon.
- All of this reveals one thing to me. Words are a very powerful weapon. They are more powerful than nuclear bombs if used in a negative sense.
- So why not say something like this, “I am the best” or “The best day ever.” or imagine someone telling you, “Hi you are looking beautiful.” does it not give you that extra stress in life? Remember one thing, “We are all created by God and God does not create rubbish.”

This is true. It’s all in our heads.
- Find those powerful words and talk about them to yourself and others and look for differences. You will never need to see a doctor or psychiatrist again!
- Be prepared today to speak up and start living 100%.

Secrets of Mental Power – The Power of Your Words
- Whether you are just beginning to explore the mysteries of mental power or are well versed in your study, you should be able to see the power of your words.
- Words that come out of your mouth, whether good or bad, have a profound effect on you and will be a determining factor in your success or failure in life.
- This short article will examine your strengths and words, give you insight into why your words are so powerful and provide tips on how to change the words you speak.
I prefer to believe that mankind was created by God in His image and that all things were created by God.
- How did he create them?
- He spoke and they came into existence.
- How does God instruct us to live our lives?
- We should follow His example.
- Therefore, we need to use the power of our words to accomplish the desires of our heart.

Proverbs 18:21, 6: 2
- Let me give you a few verses to consider. Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue.
- Proverbs 6: 2 speaks of ‘being caught in the words of your mouth.
- These verses alone show the power of your words.
- In another text, we are encouraged to call those things which do not seem to exist.

Matthew 12:34
- Internal beliefs that you hold to the truth are a major factor in choosing the words you speak.
- Turning again to the Bible at Matthew 12:34, we are told that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
- Good or bad, good or bad, our words are based on thoughts and beliefs stored deep inside our hearts and / or minds.

The subconscious mind is like a large file cabinet.
- Contains data related to every event that takes place during your lifetime.
- Positive and negative experiences, positive and negative statements made about you, successes and failures and the feelings associated with each one are all kept safe in a place under your control.
- This database forms the basis of your beliefs about the outside world and your beliefs about yourself.
- What may and may not happen to you; what you can and cannot do; your self-esteem and the limits you set for yourself are all linked to the information stored in your little information.
The words that you speak are a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs.
- When you learn to change the way you think, you will change the way you speak.
- By changing the way you speak, that is speaking positively instead of criticizing, you can make positive changes in your life.
- It’s as basic as the children’s book “The Little Engine I Can Do,” and a quote from Henry Ford, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!”
- Once you have learned the secrets of the power of the mind to change your thinking, and see the power of your words in your daily life, you will be on your way to creating the life you have longed for and deserved.

The Power of Your Words
- Most of us underestimate the power of our words.
- Sometimes we miss how our words set the tone.
- A few words can make a person’s day, or break it. Words can motivate a person to buy, or go without buying.
- Our words can motivate a person to do his best work, or to work against us.
- The words you speak can be constructive or destructive.
- They work to empower and inspire, or to eliminate power and harm.
- Words that prove life or hurt.
- For this reason we must choose our words carefully.
- “A name is the most powerful tool you have as a person, like a sword on both sides, your voice can create a wonderful dream, or your voice can destroy everything around you.” (Four Contracts, Don Miquel Ruiz)

When talking to someone ask yourself this question: “Who am I and what effect do my words have on the people around me?”
- The power of your words lies in the purpose behind them.
- Is it your intention to make a decision or a fair one?
- Do you intend to help the organization fulfill its mission or to satisfy the need for downgrading?
- We communicate better when we are clear about who we are and what we mean.
- This kind of clarity prevents us from uttering words that are harmful to ourselves and to others.
- It may prevent us from sharing harmful gossip and complaining.
Gossip is often harmful.
- It is often a matter of using our words carelessly.
- We don’t just think about how we affect others.
- Sometimes gossip is bad and is intended to hurt.
- Whether gossip is deliberate or deliberate, it hurts.
- We may trust in small jokes or excuses, but the results of gossip are anger, suspicion, embarrassment, and fear.
- This creation of gossip negatively affects character, service, and productivity.
- You can’t both care about someone and gossip about them.
- When you think back to the last time you heard or gossiped, it probably did not make you feel good.
- Gossip is debilitating.
Similar to gossip is a constant complaint.
- Complaining about people and situations makes us feel powerless.
- Managers who complain in front of their employees lose trust as leaders.
- Persistent complaining leads us to a roadblock where there is nothing to do.
- We become victims who have no power to change anything.
- While pouring out your heart to a trusted friend can help you to let go of resentment, complaining in general is often a step in the wrong direction.
- Like a slanderer, constant murmuring is debilitating.
Our power to do evil is greater than our power to do good.
- A simple, sincere apology (given without expecting anything in return) can ruin the relationship.
- A word of encouragement at the right time can change lives, start a project, or motivate someone to do more than seemingly good.
- By recognizing the evidence of greatness in others, and using our words to tell them, we help others build confidence.
- When we speak well of others, we are proud of ourselves.

There is great potential in making a commitment to keeping our words positive and guaranteeing life as best we can.
- As a positive presence, our influence grows.
- We feel better about ourselves.
- Persistent verbal abuse binds us and prevents us from finding happiness and success.
- Developing the habit of speaking well of ourselves and others frees us from the enjoyment of extended life.
- It becomes a blessing to us and to others.
Our words come from our thoughts.
- The best way to enhance the power of our words is to cleanse our minds.
- We must be willing to think for ourselves.
- Constant self-criticism should not be tolerated. We are free to think and speak well of others for ourselves.
Consider the following exercises:
- Ensure life in your thoughts and words. (Life guarantee is building, nurturing, supporting, and blessing)
2. Refuse to gossip. Commit yourself to speak only words that are positive or helpful to others.
3. Refuse to listen to gossip. Compassionately tell others that it is up to them to gossip.
4. Refuse to indulge in complaints about another person.
5. Refuse to dwell on negative thoughts. Learn from the mistakes and move on.
6. Deliberately look at the positive qualities you can think of about yourself. Make a list regularly.
7. Deliberately look for good qualities in others. Live.
8. Do not take other people’s names. Their words speak louder than theirs. Let go of resentment and bitterness and wish others well. This practice will make you happy.
9. Do not let negative emotions control you. Accept it. Be willing to let go. Stop feeding it with negative words. Choose words that will focus on who you are and what you really want.
Gossip and complaining are distractions and abuse of power. Decide what you really want and use your energy for it. As you continue to ensure life in your thoughts and words you will find more joy and success, and your sense of well-being will affect others. Most people will trust you and want to help you. Your life will change. Ensure life with your thoughts and words and you will find that your organization, your family, your community, and you will benefit greatly.
How to Improve Your Word Power?
To improve the power of your words, be a good listener. Good listeners feel free to judge, and they are willing to change their minds when necessary. Above all do not try to listen while thinking about what you want to say next!
Take time to think before you speak, positive thoughts produce beautiful words and when you are known for your great words people will wait to hear what you have to say.
Here are a few things you can do to put emphasis on your words:
- 1. Know what you want to say and what you want your listener to hear and understand. Get to the point and make your own words convey the importance of what you have to offer. If you want a particular result in your communication, review the situation and ask what you want from your audience.
- 2. Speak with understanding and empathy for the feelings and emotions of your listener. Avoid being dishonest and speak the truth about your beliefs. If you hold yourself back from saying what you mean, your relationship will end with your respect.
- 3. What are your needs and motivations when speaking or listening to others? In other words, where you come from, what experience you bring to people in your words.
- 4. Think and use good judgment when preparing for communication – do not be careless or speak with avoidance. Be brief and to the point of putting your personality into words, so that your listener can grasp what you are trying to convey.
- 5. When interviewing a new employee you find out what the company wants from the new employee – as in your connection, what is your listener interested in? Do you have different values, is there a consensus, and how can you better convey your point so that you can understand each other?
- 6. Always remember that we learn as much from our silence as we learn from our words. By listening to how and how others respond to us, we learn what they would like to hear and what they would like to know about them. If you listen carefully, you will know what to talk about and what not to talk about and why.
- 7. Don’t be afraid to cause conflict in your listener. Conflict is a way of overcoming a problem and having an open discussion in order to reach a solution. The differences are as diverse as all the speakers and listeners – open up opportunities for conflict to emerge and once you have developed mediation skills you will be amazed at the positive results.
With good words, tactful speech, and clear intentions, your communication skills will be greatly enhanced.
Be an attentive and flexible listener because you can always hear a lot if you pay close attention to their body language. You will soon be known as a gifted speaker with a few words, but with some power.
A true winner in all situations and relationships. “Talk to people about them and they will listen for hours.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli