10 Plus Healthy And Powerful Foods For Heart Health

Healthy And Powerful Foods For Heart Health. Incredibly Heart-Healthy Foods. Oats, Garlic, Some Spices, Curd, Rice bran oil, Flax oil, Olive oil,  Leafy Green Vegetables, Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are well-known for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Whole Grains. Berries. Avocados. Fatty Fish and Fish Oil. Walnuts. Beans. Dark Chocolate.

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1. Oats

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  • The oat, sometimes called the common oat, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name.
  • While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and rolled oats, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed.
  • Oats are a whole-grain food, known scientifically as Avena sativa.
  • Oat groats, the most intact and whole form of oats, take a long time to cook.
  • For this reason, most people prefer rolled, crushed, or steel-cut oats.
  • Oats are commonly eaten for breakfast as oatmeal, which is made by boiling oats in water or milk.

9 Health Benefits of Eating Oats and Oatmeal

2. Garlic

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11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic

  • “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
  • Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine.
  • He actually used to prescribe garlic to treat a variety of medical conditions.
  • Modern science has recently confirmed many of these beneficial health effects.

Garlic Contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties

  • Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family.
  • It is closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take.
  • Garlic grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste.
  • However, throughout ancient history, the main use of garlic was for its health and medicinal properties.
  • Its use was well documented by many major civilizations, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese.
  • Scientists now know that most of its health benefits are caused by sulfur compounds formed when a garlic clove is chopped, crushed, or chewed.
  • Perhaps the most famous of those is known as allicin. However, allicin is an unstable compound that is only briefly present in fresh garlic after it’s been cut or crushed.
  • Other compounds that may play a role in garlic’s health benefits include diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine.
  • The sulfur compounds from garlic enter the body from the digestive tract and travel all over the body, where it exerts its potent biological effects.

3. Spices

  • A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring or coloring food.
  • Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are the leaves, flowers, or stems of plants used for flavoring or as a garnish. Wikipedia

4. Fatty Fish and Fish Oil.

  • Fish is a healthy, high-protein food, especially important for its omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that our bodies don’t produce on their own.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in brain and heart health.
  • Omega-3s have been shown to decrease inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • They’re important for prenatal development in babies, too.
  • The American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source recommends eating fish at least 2 times a week, particularly fatty fish like salmon, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna, which are high in omega-3s.
  • Yet, there are some risks associated with eating fish on a regular basis.
  • Contaminants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) find their way into the ground, lake, and ocean water from our household and industrial waste, and then into the fish who live there.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and FDA have issued combined guidelines for women of childbearing age, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children.

They advise these groups to avoid fish with higher levels of mercury contamination, which usually include:

Alaskan salmon

Heart Healthy Seafood large


  • There’s a debate about whether wild salmon or farmed salmon is the better option.
  • Farmed salmon is significantly cheaper, but it may contain fewer omega-3s and fewer vitamins and minerals, depending on whether it’s fortified or not.
  • Salmon is a great option for your diet overall, but if your budget allows, opt for the wild variety.
  • Try this grilled salmon recipe with a sweet-tangy glaze for an entrée that’s easy to prepare.


  • This flaky white fish is a great source of phosphorusniacin, and vitamin B-12.
  • A 3-ounce cooked portion contains 15 to 20 grams of protein.
  • Try a piccata sauce on top of cod for a nice complement, like in this recipe.

5. Curd

  • Health benefits of curd: 10 reasons you must include curd in your daily diet
  • It makes your teeth and bones stronger.
  • It improves immunity.
  • It is used as a home remedy to get fair skin and great hair.
  • Improves digestion.
  • It is good for your heart. 
  • It helps lose weight.
  • It removes dandruff.
  • Improves vaginal health.

Curd is obtained by coagulating milk in a sequential process called curdling.

  • It can be a final dairy product or the first stage in cheesemaking.
  • The coagulation can be caused by adding rennet or any edible acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar and then allowing it to coagulate.
  • The increased acidity causes the milk proteins (casein) to tangle into solid masses or curds.
  • Milk that has been left to sour (raw milk alone or pasteurized milk with added lactic acid bacteria) will also naturally produce curds, and sour milk cheeses are produced this way.
  • Producing cheese curds is one of the first steps in cheesemaking; the curds are pressed and drained to varying amounts for different styles of cheese and different secondary agents (molds for blue cheeses, etc.) are introduced before the desired aging finishes the cheese.
  • The remaining liquid, which contains only whey proteins, is the whey.
  • In cow’s milk, 90 percent of the proteins are caseins.

6. Green Tea

  • Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas.
  • Green tea originated in China, and since then its production and manufacture have spread to other countries in East and Southeast Asia. Wikipedia
  • Green tea is touted to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.
  • It’s loaded with antioxidants that have many health benefits, which may include:

There may be even more potential health benefits.


  • Lowering the risk of heart disease
  • Protecting against cancer
  • Fat loss
  • Improved brain function

7. Dry Fruits

  • Dried fruit is fruit from which the majority of the original water content has been removed either naturally, through sun drying, or through the use of specialized dryers or dehydrators. Wikipedia

8. Walnuts.

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  • A walnut is the nut of any tree of the genus Juglans, particularly the Persian or English walnut, Juglans regia. A walnut is the edible seed of a drupe, and thus not a true botanical nut. It is commonly consumed as a nut. Wikipedia

9. Rice Bran Cooking Oil

  • Lite house rice bran oil is made from an oily layer of brown rice which is very healthy.
  • It is made without the use of any harsh chemical to retain the oryzanol. It is very helpful for heart patients.
  • Good cooking oil doesn’t just add life to the most common foods but also plays a pivotal role in your health.
  • It could affect your cholesterol levels, alter your metabolic syndrome and if you’re using the right kind of oil, it could also reduce inflammation.
  • That’s what makes it all the more important to pick the right one.
  • In the last few years, ghee (clarified butter) and refined oil have earned a bad reputation due to the cholesterol and heart disease scare. For such health reasons, people have become more open to experimenting with new types of oil.
  • One such variety that has slowly been creeping up on health charts is Rice Bran Oil.
  • According to Dr. Ritika Samaddar, Chief Dietician at Max Healthcare, “Rice bran oil is a relatively new entrant in the category of cooking oils and perhaps the healthiest.

This is for a number of reasons: for one, it’s got an ideal balance of polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) and monounsaturated fats (MUFA).

  • To be precise, rice bran oil has 37 percent polyunsaturated fats and 45 percent monounsaturated fats, almost a 1:1 ratio.
  • She added, “Rice bran oil is made from bran which makes it rich in Vitamin E that is essentially an antioxidant.
  • What’s also interesting is that rice bran oil is relatively cheap and more of it can be produced right here in India.
  • Different oils have different compositions of fats and they behave differently when heated.
  • So before you hop onto the bandwagon, it is very important to know your oil.

a). Has a Neutral Taste

  • The outer layer of the rice grain is called bran and the oil is extracted from this brown husk.
  • It has a mild flavor and is neutral in taste.
  • The taste does not clash with Indian food and you can even use it in cookies and cakes.
  • It may lend a mild nutty flavor.
  • It can be used for sautéing, grilling, marinades and is great in salad dressings. It’s light and quite versatile.

b).  Contains Good Fats

c). Heart Friendly

  • It is known as a heart-friendly oil. “Rice bran might help lower cholesterol because it contains the right amount of oryzanol which is an antioxidant. It helps decrease cholesterol absorption and increase cholesterol elimination,” says Gargi Sharma, Nutritionist & Weight-Management Expert. Indians are genetically prone to heart disease and therefore one should take precautions to have a healthy heart.

d). Lowers Cholesterol

  • The American Heart Association and The World Health Organization (WHO) recommend rice bran oil as the best choice for improving serum cholesterol levels.

e). Has a High Smoke Point

  • Rice bran oil has a high smoke point, which is pitched at 254C or 490F, which makes it perfect for stir-frying or deep frying. It can maintain its nutritive quality even at high temperatures. Also, it has been seen that food cooked at high temperatures absorbs less oil.

f). Less Oily

  • Rice bran oil is less viscous which means that it does not stick to food. It absorbs less oil which is why you also need to be careful of the quantity you use. In fact, it tends to feel less oily on the tongue.

g). Rich in Vitamin E

  •  “It is rich in Vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant and has antimutagenic properties which prevent cancer.
  • Vitamin E also helps in boosting your immunity,” says Gargi.

h). Aids Weight Loss

  • “It contains high levels of natural antioxidants which boost your metabolic rate and may help with weight loss,” adds Gargi.
  • The high level of antioxidants not only makes this oil healthy but also makes it resist rancidity and spoilage.
  • It has a long shelf life.

i). Good for the Skin

  • Squalene is a compound present in Rice Bran Oil that is easily absorbed by the skin and keeps it soft, supple, and smooth.

j). Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

  • It is an anti-inflammatory and some studies have shown that its consumption can reduce the effects of menopause like hot flashes.

10. Olive Oil

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11. Vestige Flax Oil


12. Leafy Green Vegetables

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  • Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are well-known for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Leaf vegetables, also called leafy greens, salad greens, pot herbs, vegetable greens, or simply greens, are plant leaves eaten as a vegetable, sometimes accompanied by tender petioles and shoots. Wikipedia
  • Microgreens.
  • Microgreens are immature greens produced from the seeds of vegetables and herbs.
  • Collard Greens.
  • Collard greens are loose-leaf greens, related to kale and spring greens.
  • Spinach.
  • Cabbage.
  • Beet Greens.
  • Watercress.
  • Romaine Lettuce.

13. Beans.

  • A bean is the seed of one of several genera of the flowering plant family Fabaceae, which are used as vegetables for human or animal food.
  • They can be cooked in many different ways, including boiling, frying, and baking, and are used in many traditional dishes throughout the world. Wikipedia

14. Whole Grains.

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  • A whole grain is a grain of any cereal and pseudocereal that contains the endosperm, germ, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm. As part of a generally healthy diet, consumption of whole grains is associated with a lower risk of several diseases. Wikipedia

15. Berries.

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  • A berry is a small, pulpy, and often edible fruit. Typically, berries are juicy, rounded, brightly colored, sweet, sour, or tart, and do not have a stone or pit, although many pips or seeds may be present. Wikipedia

16. Avocados.

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 17. Dark Chocolate.

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  • Dark chocolate is a form of chocolate containing cocoa solids and cocoa butter, without the milk or butter found in milk chocolate.
  • Government and industry standards of what products may be labeled “dark chocolate” vary by country and market. Wikipedia
  • Energy: 2,500 kJ (600 kcal)
  • Caffeine: 80 mg
  • Iron: 92% 11.90 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 45.9 g
  • Sodium: 1% 20 mg
  • Magnesium: 64% 228 mg
  • Potassium: 15% 715 mg

Read More:

10 Plus Healthy And Powerful Foods For Heart Health

10 Plus Healthy And Powerful Foods For Heart Health