57) Network marketing is all about working with individuals to help them to be successful.

ROADMAP: A TO Z NETWORK MARKETING- 03, All readers are advised to seek the services of competent professionals in the legal, business, accounting, and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading. Why Network Marketing? What Is Network Marketing?

1: The Basics
2: Creating Your Road to Success In Network Marketing
3: Plan Your Achievement Direction
4: Methods to Find Potential Prospects
5: Motivate the Spectators Throughout
6: Generating Leads and Prospects Online
7: Involvement of Internet in Network Marketing


Foreword I appreciate your decision to start working on your home-based business as well as your mindset towards everything involved.


It is highly exceptional for someone beginning in our business to think and seek ideas beyond the techniques suggested by our sponsors. You without hesitation might see the amazing potential of this thriving business model, and are likely looking for ways you can take the opportunity that works to your standards.

  • Network marketing can be explained as the progress of goods or services from the company to the final consumer all the way through a network of self-sufficient distributors.
  • Whether they know it or not, generally individuals are today involved in some kind of network marketing on an everyday basis. For example, if a new restaurant opens in your town and you attempt it and like it, you are sure to suggest it to your friends.
  • Your endorsement for the restaurant will make your friends visit there, which shows the benefits with the word to mouth testimonial. This means your endorsement and referral increase the business in the restaurant.
  • Similarly, after you watch a good movie, you inform your friends, who come to a decision to watch it for that reason. In many areas of our everyday lives, we suggest goods and services to our friends.

In America, every eleventh second someone begins a new home-based network marketing business. 55 % of Americans have bought a network-marketing product or service.

Establishing an especially winning business goes far beyond just learning what to talk about and do.

Similar to any other valuable guidance or personal improvement program, there is no time that you know everything, only the repeated process of learning, growing, and increasing knowledge, wideness, and success. This volume is written to provide tools for experienced veterans and fresh, beginner distributors as well.


The Bible of Network Marketing A-Z The final Network Marketing Bible Wrapping Businesses, Strategies, And Everything Involved.


1: The Basics

Synopsis If you have been with your company a short time, or if you have not seen, any real success but you are strong-minded to make it work, this will help you. Most home business owners give up or quit within six months of opening their business.
That actually is a misfortune and there are many ways to achieve success today in many types of home business.

So nearly anyone may find a method that can lead them to be successful.

The Beginning The world is shifting always the days of “9-5” and the “security” of working for a big company, which was once a mainstay, is disappearing rapidly.

Our values are also shifting as a society

– we don’t like to spend as much time traveling to and from work, and instead, we like to spend time with our loved ones and acquaintances.

People prefer to earn money for themselves instead of for someone else.

This is the case for many people in the world. However, starting and getting your own business to be a success is not easy since statistics show that more than eighty percent of such businesses don’t make it.

Why do most of these marketing businesses not succeed?

Well, the reason might be due to the inexperience of the people involved in it. Most probably, the people who began these businesses were not trained properly.
Similarly, the industry did not have the believably in the past as it has today among people.

Recently, a lot of powerful business people and entrepreneurs have spoken out about how “true and feasible” the Network Marketing business model is today.


Nevertheless, it is not easy for people without the correct tools.

One of the best mediums to attract potential prospects and clients to your Network Marketing business is with the internet. It is now just as possible to sponsor somebody into your business from America or Australia, as it is from any other part of the world. Isn’t that just so exciting?
What makes it more interesting is when you do it correctly you have the chance to establish even stronger business relationships online than you can offline.

This is due to the strategies you use in attracting more individuals with similar interests, like in their goals, mindset, ambitions, and values.

The true world of network marketing might feel relentless. Success is rewarded. Faults are penalized. The advantage is that it keeps you realistic.
You may not settle for weakness, laziness, and bad ideas, or your business will fail.
There’s a huge chasm between a thought that sounds great and an idea that truly gets carried out and succeeds under real-world circumstances. Anybody may muster up great ideas, but most people may not successfully follow through with them. Some people may not handle the pressure of running their own business.

They fret about the risk of failure.

  • They’re viewing it from the wrong angle though.
  • That risk is precisely the point.
  • Risk is what helps you develop.
  • It makes you stronger.
  • An entrepreneur who dreads risk is like a muscleman who’s afraid of barbells.
  • So take the risk to learn something new here today.
  • Get the tools and insight you need to make your business a success.


2: Creating Your Road to Success In Network Marketing

Synopsis Let’s start with talent, skills, or whatever you would like to call it. If you analyze a few of the sites out there, you’d think that all you have to do is push a button and the money comes dropping from the sky.
Simply it doesn’t work this way. Any business and I don’t care what sort it is, calls for work and a great part of that work calls for either some sort of skill or training or the cash to hire trained workers to accomplish the work for you.

Produce A Realistic Outlook Let us have a look at some of the different aspects as they apply to you.

  • Perhaps you were initially attracted to network marketing to create a temporary earning stream.
  • Possibly you had a desire to make life a bit easier for you and your family by earning a few extra hundred or 1000 dollars each month.
  • Perhaps, you intended to swap your full-time job with a simple home-based business, which would provide you more free time.
  • Despite your incentive, you have to figure out exactly what you expect to gain from your network marketing endeavor.
  • Doing so will allow you to settle on the sum of monthly income that would create your success in this business.
  • This will be the first step in formulating a comprehensive plan to achieve the level of income that will make the achievement of your goals and aspirations successful.

For example, if your goal is to bring in $10,000 a month within a few years, your plan will have to be significantly stricter than if your ambition is a few hundred dollars a month.

It is vital not only to know how much income you plan to make but similarly why you want the income.

Money only is generally not an adequate motivator to carry out constant and unrelenting actions required to set up a network marketing business.
Take a few moments to identify what you will need with regards to income, and identify your purposes for becoming involved in network marketing.
Answer these questions: Four years from now, how much monthly income would your company have to make for you to think you are a success?

What are your best ten reasons for doing Network Marketing?

Now that you have figured out your reasons for starting a business, it is time to find the vision and tools that will motivate you.
You may be quite content with your current work and lifestyle.
If this describes you, your plan might be to add to your current income.
Though, if you are trying to build a network marketing business to considerably shape your life and live largely, your plan will be a bit different.
A visualization that encourages you to be a success has to honor your vital principles and positive thinking.


Which are your vital principles?

Vital principles and positive thinking need to be honored at any cost.
If they are dishonored, you won’t be happy.

As you visualize your business, create your plans relative to your core principles.

If we envisage a future that is not as good as our present reality, this will end up in self-sabotage.

Our brain will say, “Okay, we are going to bomb anyway, thus why to work so hard when it is likely to be pointless?”
We give excuses for performance that conflict with achievement and then we really do fail. If we see our future as the same as our current situation in life, we will create just enough self-motivation to bring successes that will match what we already have.

When things get hard, we will come to fall back on unproductive habits and get more of the same.

Take a minute now to ask yourself sincerely if your present idea for your future is positive, detrimental, or dependable.

Despite where you now find yourself, you have the control to create an empowering and inspiring future.
Put your idea into words. Your written dream will be most strong when viewed as something already attained.

Create your dream in the first person, present tense.

“I’m now..
I now have…
I am doing . . .
I’m contributing to…
” etc. Don’t use pessimistic words.
Write as many sensory references as you can as well.
What are you experiencing psychologically?
What sights, sounds, and smells are currently in the scene you are visualizing?
Who are other people there?


 3: Plan Your Achievement Direction

Synopsis Create a plan, which will match your imagery.
Now that you have a dream let’s bring in the stuff for attainment.
Let’s start with talent, skills, or whatever you would like to call it.
If you analyze a few of the sites out there, you’d think that all you have to do is push a button and ta-da…the money comes dropping from the sky.
Simply it doesn’t work this way.
Any business and I don’t care what sort it is, calls for work and a great part of that work calls for either some sort of skill or training or the cash to hire trained workers to accomplish the work for you.


Let’s have an honest look at the road to success.

The Reality Let’s start with talent, skills, or whatever you would like to call it. If you analyze a few of the sites out there, you’d think that all you have to do is push a button and ta-da…the money comes dropping from the sky.


Simply it doesn’t work this way.
Any business and I don’t care what sort it is, calls for work and a great part of that work calls for either some sort of skill or training or the cash to hire trained workers to accomplish the work for you. For instance, let’s say you just would like to run a simple marketing business where you write articles to promote affiliate products.

The model for this sort of marketing is in reality very easy as far as the steps involved.

All the same, there’s a lot of skill and talent required to make this model work. For starters, you have to be able to write. Different than popular opinion, not everybody is able to write.

Some people have absolutely NO composing skill whatever.

What are these people going to do? Sure, they might try to get the training. There’s no guarantee that they might make it work, particularly if English isn’t their first language. Sure, they might merely outsource the writing to somebody else, but that takes cash. And a few people don’t have any. That’s a fact of life that isn’t going to go away.
Before you even get down to the writing, there are additional skills that are needed, like keyword research and niche research.

Certainly you want to discover a niche where people are spending cash and a product that’s been proven to sell.

This isn’t an inherent skill.

It needs to be learned, just like everything else. But even if we could get beyond the skills part of the issue, there’s still one thing that trips up most people who will never succeed.

It comes down to work ethic.

A few people are just not groomed to do everything that’s called for to make it in network marketing. Sure, they say they are, but when it comes down to it…when they see how much work is really involved…they quit. How come? Because it’s too much for them.
Sure enough, some of the blame has to be shouldered by these sales pages with the absurd claims and empty promises. They make it sound so easy, when in point of fact…it isn’t. And that’s the cold hard truth.
Making cash online, regardless of what anybody says to you, isn’t easy.

If it was, everybody would be doing it.

Combine that with the entitlement mentality that we have in the world (lottery lines are pretty darn long these days) and you have a recipe for catastrophe. Bottom line is simple.
Some people don’t have the skills, the cash or the discipline, or the training to make it online with network marketing.
So let’s begin getting you some of those elements right now.

Logically, the basis of any business plan will have three common elements:

Goods and services:

1. Understand your company’s goods or services.

Compare your own company’s goods over those offered by all rivals, and scrutinize your own business.
Become familiar with all your products and the unique features that make them so much better than others.
Develop a true belief in the value of the goods.

2. Talk about your goods or services with others on a daily basis.

Keep a list of buyers who may benefit from your company’s goods.
As you go about your day, watch for chances to suggest your goods to those who may need them.
In network marketing, getting buyers comes by introducing other people to some of the benefits your business offers.

3. Support the individuals in your company who see the importance of producing a home based income that might add to their lives.

Let look a bit more in detail. How do think others will buy your goods or services especially when you are not familiar with products?
Try to replace your rivals’ products with yours.

Give the buyers the best products without having to compromise.

You don’t want them to think twice about buying it.

Talk to people in your business and upline to find out their perspective on each product and why it is extraordinary.

Learn about all the uses for each product and recognize any groups or markets that every item or service may have a benefit for.
You should be focusing on these groups particularly in your prospecting attempts and with your special products and other offers.
A network-marketing professional should put into place tools and training that will allow you success, and to get an idea about your buyers.


It is essential for those just beginning to be cognizant of some basics required, which include:

 A reasonably priced long distance plan.

Get a plan that makes you pay less than $.05 for a minute. In case you talk a lot on long-distance calls, it is wise for you to take up the unlimited calling plan as it is will be the best in helping you save a lot of money. You can even call your provider to request conference or three party calling. You will need this feature to connect your prospects with your upline and people who will be making your company demonstrations for you until you can make your own demonstrations and training your team to make theirs.


Also, get voice mail.

An outdated answering machine will not make you look good.If you are doing business from various locations, a mobile phone will be handy and useful.

Select a plan that suits your requirements.

Get a checking account which you can use completely for the network marketing business.

Get into the habit of maintaining records and documenting all your expenditures.
It will help to maintain a record and make for simple calculations during the month end and tax time. In this highly developed age, a computer or laptop is necessary.  Use them to communicate with your buyers, team members, leads, and company via e-mail, write your letters, and marketing.

Professionals require business cards and other communiqués.

If you hand out items with personalized company logo, you look more prof
They will do as you do—not as you say.

If your business offers a duplicable site, set yours up.

It as well sets another duplicable example for your team.

In case you deal with retailing goods, order your business catalogs, prospecting booklets, or audio or tapes.

Learn all the materials the company provides.

Study the importance of the pay plan so you might share its high points passionately.
If your company or up line offers a pre-recorded opportunity call, pay attention and set up three-party calls.
If there is nothing like this, work with your team to create your own.
Get the names and numbers of all your up line leaders.
You bring in money for those individuals because of your work, so capitalize on their support.

Create your own story letter, introducing people to your business, products, and opportunity.

Your story letter will tell how you were introduced and why you chose to become involved with your company to go after a home-based income opportunity. It is now time for us to talk about the numbers of network marketing.
Speaking with enough people to fill your pipeline with a ceaseless stream of interested leads is vital to accomplishing success.


 4: Methods to Find Potential Prospects

Synopsis Now let’s look at some ways to get people interested.
Getting Attention Conduct Parties for Clients and Potential Prospects When individuals consider either “throwing parties”, the original Tupperware parties are likely the first to come to mind.
Even if it does not apply to your opportunity, there are dozens of companies that do promote their ‘product’ in this way.
Cosmetics, apparel, jewelry, cookware, housecleaning products, candles, gift items, and a broad range of health products, may all be promoted through parties.


For many this is their chief technique of distribution.

Benefits of parties However, can it be a great way to draw in prospects likewise as customers? Well many companies have demonstrated that it is by blending a business presentation with their product presentation.  And If it is a recognized sort of prospecting within your company, they will have tools for your presentation.

Make it intriguing and educational.

Accent the advantages instead of the features. Tell stories and include recommendations.
Present your product and your opportunity – do not sell it. Use a video if your company has one and let them view, touch, and even try out the product.
Keep it easy and aboveboard you wish it to be a presentation your guests understand they may duplicate! If you do it correctly, you will see them thinking “Who do I know that may be interested in this?” Offering to handle a party for a likely prospect, maybe a good way to get them in your system. They might be interested in the business but are not confident enough to present it themselves, or they simply wish to see how their guests respond.

They are looking to “test the water” and for reassurance, this may be a great thing for them.

You cannot lose. They do all the invitations; your audience will feel at ease and unthreatened; you may sell some product and may enroll this individual into your business. Even if they decide not to become involved at this time, you will have met four, five, or six others you can follow up with.
If you are still new to the business, you will get your up line to do the demonstration for you.


Network marketing is all about working with individuals to help them to be successful.

This is a good way to show true teamwork and support.
Importance of Audio Using audio to market your products and services is something individuals will be comfortable working with.
This is as it supplies an effective, professional, riskless, and easily duplicated technique to expand a business.
Usage of CD’s You could say “I wish to show you something. It will take approximately twenty minutes.
You might or might not be interested”. Just about every opportunity will have a CD you are able to utilize to prospect individuals.
It is because it is so handy. With a CD they may play it in the auto or listen to it while they are fixing dinner or doing the family chores and so forth.

Many individuals have built the groundwork of big businesses utilizing this single technique here are just a couple of the reasons why.

  • 1) It takes you out of the equation and provides your prospect the finest possible explanation of the business.
    You won’t come away with the feeling “Oh no, why did I say that” or “I forgot to say that” – “I’m certain that they’d have been interested if I had introduced it better” We have ALL done this.
  • 2) It answers the two chief questions your prospect will have. “What do I do? Where do I start?” It introduces them to an easy system to abide by that is easily duplicated.


  • 3) Its risk-less. There is no fear of rejection or need to manage objections

  • There will likewise be fewer queries as most of them will have been answered.
  • 4) It makes it simpler to expand your organization in depth, as it empowers beginners to execute the business. The message is reproducible and is not altered. It levels the field.
  • 5) Its a good use of your time, as it may get the message out to many individuals quickly.
    It likewise means that individuals you bring on board may get a quick start in their business also.
    And so forth down the line.
  • 6) It takes space out of the equation. If you cannot meet somebody faces to face, you can telephone him or her and let him or her know that you would like to send him or her something in the mail that he simply has to hear.
  • 7) Lastly, it provides the message to a fresh candidate, “I may do this, and it’s easy”.


When you utilize this technique of business building, it is still crucial that you come across as excited when you give them the CD.

It is likewise crucial to give them a short time frame to listen to it otherwise they might simply leave it on a shelf and never get around to listening to it.
Ask if they’ll have time to listen to it this evening or tomorrow as you’ve somebody else that you have to send it on to. This will produce a sense of urgency and it likewise means that you can get your CD back and hand it on to somebody else.

Talking To Crowds All right, you must do be a few meeting individuals you do not know (yet) but this is a first-class way to get your subject matter across to large amounts of individuals at once.

On Addressing People!

Simply a fast glance through your local paper you will find activities of oodles of local community groups that are out there in your area. More often than not, they will note their “guest speaker” and thank them for doing their part in the organization. The huge bulk of these groups are smaller, very ‘niche’ oriented, and it would not be a worthwhile utilization of your time.

However, a smattering of them might be.

If you are marketing a health product, there are many ‘self-help’ organizations that open up to you. There are groups for nearly every ailment and condition you can think of; bronchial asthma, arthritis, diabetes, skin problems actually any condition that your product has demonstrated to be of help with. Simply remember not to make any exorbitant or medical claims this would be ruinous for your business.

A strong, direct pitch ought to also be averted.

Many will not wish to do this and to them it will not seem duplicable.

A way to bypass this would be, to merely touch on the opportunity side and invite them to see an upcoming business briefing at another time.

The most beneficial thing about this approach is that you will formulate confidence in speaking to individuals and a much bigger depth of knowledge about the advantages of your product.
At the same time, you will decidedly sell some product and you might just pick up a nugget of a prospect along the way. Usage of Video You are in all probability thinking at the moment…“Well, I will learn this section; however this means is beyond my knowledge”. Well, you would be wrong.

Video marketing is easy and reasonably priced to do nowadays.

It is the latest technology, the big thing in internet marketing, however, only a small number of persons are currently doing it. Think if you went to two comparable sites.
If site one had a 2 -3-minute personal message from the owner explaining a little about themselves and how they can be useful to you don’t you think you would be more attracted to them?

As long as they came across as real, truthful, and earnest, you might feel you have started to form a friendship with them already.

However, there is more…it has been demonstrated that sites with videos on them have far greater conversion rates even if the video is not really viewed! This has to mean merely by having a video on your site, it is instantly sensed as being more professional, more serious, and more useful than like web sites without. On the other hand, it might simply signify the way in which individuals wish to “acquire” information is shifting. We seldom turn to books to answer our inquiries or get answers any longer- we simply “Google It”.

I wonder how much farther into the future it will be before us simply “YouTube It”?

In addition, do not fret if you feel your videos will be too unskilled or badly produced, to begin with, individuals truly do not care.
In fact, most of us want to hear from other real-world individuals, giving tangible tips and solutions we rely on it more than the huge, glitzy corporate messages we see.

You might be surprised to hear; you are able to record and post a video on the net for utterly no charge

if you have an inbuilt webcam in your monitor or laptop computer.
And If you do not, you are able to pick one up for a modest price online.

You will be able to utilize a video recording, uploading service like Viddler there is a little learning curve to this, and it is only suitable if you have a site to upload it to.

It is easy, but if you require any assistance, just Google ‘Uploading a video to YouTube’

and you will discover some videos about it surprisingly enough YouTube! So if it’s not the technology that’s stopping you , what is it?


It is like everything; you learn and develop in confidence as you continue.

Here are a couple of hints for your first video message

1) Organize the scene

let your visitor appreciate where you are recording the video from and perhaps even provide them a view of your surroundings. It helps them to begin to establish a kinship with you.

2) Speak to the camera and envisage you are speaking to one person solely

the ideal visitor to you

3) Involve the spectator in what is occurring.

If somebody is with you, perhaps assisting with the filming, note his or her attendance before moving on. A TO Z NETWORK MARKETING – 03 .You ought to make certain your video comes across as innate and informal. However, the best hint is just to give it a go and formulate your own style as you go on. Delivering a video presence on the net is a great deal more potent than any other net medium.





Harshit Brave

Health Care Advisor, Guide, Teacher, and Trainer. Life Counselling Coach. About Us. Optimal Health is something you all can refer to as perfect health an individual can have. Being healthy only physically is not enough, to attain that perfect health you need to be healthy in all the aspects of life, hence; Optimal Health – Happiness, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Spirituality.