100+ Fitness Tips- Part 2

100+ Fitness Tips- Part 2

100+ Fitness Tips- Part 2 This is the article about 100+ Fitness Tips– Part 2. Kindly read 100+ Fitness Tips- Part 1. 47. Think positive. You should have a firm belief that you would be able to attain your fitness goals soon. By doing that, you would have the confidence of taking on the challenges … Read more

Forgiveness: When to Seek Professional Help

Forgiveness: When to Seek Professional Help

Forgiveness: When to Seek Professional Help Forgiveness. Why Do I Need to Ask for Forgiveness? Forgive and forget – how many times have you heard these phrases? Most people would say forgive those who have hurt you and have done you wrong and just let go of the past. It is easy to say but … Read more

Self-Esteem and Anger

Self-Esteem and Anger Discover How Self-Esteem Helps You Deal with Your Anger You’ve found yourself feeling a lot of anger lately – you’ve lashed out on people without meaning to, hurting them and damaging your relationships with them in the process. Your anger has affected your work and your social life. You are beginning to … Read more

Learning Assertiveness Skills, And 4 Better Communication Techniques

Learning Assertiveness Skills, And 4 Better Communication Techniques

Learning Assertiveness Skills, And 4 Better Communication Techniques Learning Assertiveness Skills How to learn assertiveness skills? Being assertive has often been defined as being self-assured and confident.  Most often being assertive has been identified with being strong and in control.  Being assertive means being able to express how you feel and at the same time … Read more

Substance Abuse, Depression and Anger, Catastrophic Stress = Catastrophic Anger

Substance Abuse, Depression and Anger, Catastrophic Stress = Catastrophic Anger

Substance Abuse, Depression and Anger, Catastrophic Stress = Catastrophic Anger Substance Abuse, Depression and Anger. Why substance abuse leads to depression and anger? Substance abuse has been responsible for the destruction of millions of lives all over the world.  It has destroyed careers, reputations, lives, families and even the society itself.  Up to the present … Read more

Anger: Early Warning Signs and Your Triggers, Commit To Change And Manage Anger, Taking Time Out

Anger: Early Warning Signs and Your Triggers, Commit To Change And Manage Anger, Taking Time Out

Anger: Early Warning Signs and Your Triggers, Commit To Change And Manage Anger, Taking Time Out Commit to Change and Manage Anger. If you are angry and you know it, raise your hand. Anger is not all bad; it is how one expresses it that spells the difference.  Managing anger is important especially if one … Read more

5 Factors that Affect Anger, When Anger Leads to Abuse, Tips on Managing Anger

5 Factors that Affect Anger, When Anger Leads to Abuse, Tips on Managing Anger

5 Factors that Affect Anger, When Anger Leads to Abuse, Tips on Managing Anger 5 Factors that Affect Anger, When Anger Leads to Abuse, Tips on Managing Anger. Anger, although commonly felt and expressed, is never an emotion to take lightly. When it reaches heightened intensity, anger becomes wrath. And wrath, as most of us … Read more

How to Recognize Anger? 12 Types of Anger

How to Recognize Anger and Handle it effectively

How to Recognize Anger? 12 Types of Anger

10 Common Symptoms Of Depression, A Potential Cause Of Depression, And Solution

A Potential Cause Of Depression And Solution

10 Common Symptoms Of Depression, A Potential Cause Of Depression And Solution 10 Common Symptoms Of Depression, A Potential Cause of Depression And Solution, To Depression I have recently made a very startling discovery that has helped me to stop spiraling into bouts of depression. In this article, I write about this discovery which I … Read more

Acknowledge Your Depression

Acknowledge Your Depression

Acknowledge Your Depression Acknowledge Your Depression. Depression is an illness and needs to be acknowledged as such. It is not a reason tobe ashamed. The reason so many people fail to seek help for their depression is that they are ashamed. Unfortunately, this is one of the feelings associated with depression anyway and makes the … Read more